Chapter 1

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A/N: So I've finally begun to update this story! I know a LOT of you have been asking me constantly to continue this story but I felt as though I grew out of it but now idk I feel to complete it. I began writing this yeaaars ago so the story is a bit cheesy for me but who doesn't like cheese? 😂

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.


Adrian let out a silent yawn before he opened his eyes and blinked till his vision became clearer. He moved his arm away from the girl that was occupying the other side of the bed and quietly slid out of the bed, not wanting to awake the sleeping brunette. He looked for his clothes that was scattered over the floor and pulled his t-shirt over his head as he started to remember what happened last night. Going to the club with his beta, Zi-Jun, or as Adrian had called him since they were children "Zu", drinking, meeting a couple of girls and then ending up in bed with her in her room.

His phone started vibrating in his pocket. He mentally thanked himself that he left his phone on vibrate so it didn't awaken the girl in bed. The girl who's name he had forgotten. He saw it was Zu and swiped to answer the call.

"Yoooo" He greeted as he started to get dressed.

"Yo?!" Zu yelled over the phone. "You're supposed to be at the pack house for the meeting with the new pack members!"


The meeting completely slipped Adrian's mind completely. His instantly thought of his father who was going to kill him if he misses it. His dad has become more stricter with him with missing out on any pack business and meetings considering Adrian was soon going to become the Alpha . "Has the meeting started yet ?" He asked whilst he quickly slipped on my shoes and grabbed his car keys and dashed out the door. He unlocked the door to the black Audi R8 that he got for his 18th birthday. He got in and started the car then made his way to the pack house fast. "Not yet but they've already arrived and they're getting ready to start. You better hurry, your father is already angry at you for not coming home last night." Adrian let out a long sigh knowing that today was going to be torture. He hated going to meetings and attending other Alpha related duties. It was too stressful and time consuming. Being 18 and in his last year of high school was stressful enough, the requirements for being an alpha was something Adrian decided he didn't have. H wanted to spend more time hanging out with his friends before high school ends and all his friends move away for college.

He pulled up to the pack house, which was a couple miles out from town near the woods, so that no humans around would see any of the pack members in wolf form, allowing them free to shift whenever without the worry of being seen by a human. He jumped out the car and rushed to the house. He reached out to open the door but it flew wide open. He looked up to see his mother with the look of pure anger upon her face. "Adrian! Where the hell have you been?" she whispered/yelled. "I-I.. I was helping someone with a situation and lost track of time..." He mumbled. She glared at him so fiercely it gave him chills. "Oh whatever Adrian, just get in quickly and make a good first impression. Your father is not happy." He rolled his eyes and made his way to the meeting room.

As he neared to the doors to the room, he was met with the most captivating scent he's ever smelt. It smelt like a mixture of the forest mixed with chocolate. The spirit of the wolf in him purred in pleasure; which felt weird because it has never done that before. The scent was strong and fresh and Adrian didn't know what was going on but he couldn't get enough of it. He followed the scent to the behind the doors of the meeting room and pushed the doors open.

He walked in and snapped out of his daze. When he walked in he was greeted with a death stare from his father. His eyes then trailed to the four other people in the room who he assumed were the new pack members. There was a man with dusty blonde hair, dark brown eyes that were near enough black with olive skin. He had light stubble on his face, he looked well built and the type of person you shouldn't mess with. Then there was a woman, she also had olive skin. She had hair as black as a raven and deep green eyes. He didn't know why but they were mesmerizing. Then there was a girl who looked 14, she had light brown hair that past her shoulders, she was paler compared to her mother but still had a natural tan to her skin and her eyes were a dark oceanic blue.

His eyes then landed on the last person, the one who made his heart get caught in his throat. The enticing scent he smelt earlier belonged to the boy sat next to the girl. The boy looked at him and Adrian felt his heart skip a beat. The boys eyes were like the woman with the raven hair but his was more... deep. His hair was a dark brown like dark chocolate. He was muscular but lean and had the same gorgeous olive skin as the woman. Adrian's eyes fell to the boys lips. They were plump and were berry red, looking delicious enough to taste..

Then Adrian felt it. The spirit of his wolf let him know loud and clear that Adrian has now found his mate.

His father snapped him out of his shock. "Adrian." He spoke sternly. He tore his eyes away from the boy and turned to his dad; He could tell he was angry as hell at him for being late but was trying to conceal it in front of the new members. "These are the people who are now apart of our pack" Adrian nodded and turned to them and shook all of their hands. When it came to his hand his wolf went going crazy.

Adrian was so confused and his mind was going crazy. He always knew that one day he would find his mate, the one who would be his other half. The one who would understand him in every way and love him fiercely and he them. But the one his wolf called out to as his mate was a ... guy.

This can't be true. This can't be happening, something must be wrong.

He reached out his hand to shake his. The boy stared at his hand for a moment. He looked nervous and hesitant, as if shaking Adrian's hand was dangerous and he was deciding if he should or not. Eventually he did and as soon as their hands made contact sparks shot through both of their arms sending waves of pleasure through their whole body. Adrian snapped his hand back and the feeling left as quick as it came. He looked nervous and took a step back. "My name is Adrian, welcome to the Cresent Moon pack" He announced to them and they all smiled and bowed their heads. The lady with the dark hair stepped forward and spoke. "Thank you for taking us into your pack, My name is Leanne." she smiled and then turned to the three behind her. "This is my brother Elijah" She gestured to the man with the dusty blonde hair. He enclined his head and kept a hard expression upon his face. Then she turned to the young girl. "This is my daughter Lily" The girl smiled shyly. "Nice to meet you Lily" He spoke and she blushed. "And this is my son Tyler." Tyler.

"Tyler here will be enrolling in your school in a few days and we'd appreciate it if you'd take him under your wing and show him around." Adrian's father stated, the tone he used meant that he had no choice and there's no room for arguments. "Sure" Adrian mumbled.

"Thank you so much, again we are so grateful for allowing us to join your pack" Leanne softly spoke with slight tears in her eyes. "No need for thank you's Leanne!" My dad chuckled. My mother walked in with a wide smile "Welcome to our pack, come with me and I'll show you to your rooms."

They all followed after the alpha female and Tyler was the last one to walk out. Right before he walked out the door he looked at Adrian. No emotion in his face; he simply looked at him. Adrian couldn't help but stare back. He was captivated by his eyes but then Tyler turned around and was out his sight.

Adrian didn't even have time to process any of what just happened because his father closed the door and began lecturing Adrian.


Please leave some feedback telling me what you guys think and if I should continue with this story


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