Chapter 2

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Sorry for the wait, Still unsure about this story but I want to continue it anyway so yeah..

I realized I jumped into this story really quick with Adrian meeting Tyler but yeah 

Sorry it's short

(2017 A/N: Ok I don't really remember where I was going with this story so I think I'm gonna have to make more changes than I thought but nothing major. So I hope you guys enjoy and sorry if you don't like how I've changed it.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. 


It's been three days since Tyler and his family moved into the pack house and Adrian has been on edge since. He's only seen him once after him moving in and it was only when he came down for breakfast yesterday. Tyler seemed more reserved than the rest of his family, who have been getting to know the rest of the pack better.  

Adrian couldn't stop thinking about Tyler and it was beginning to drive him crazy. After the first he saw him he thought that it was some sort of mistake and that his wolf was confused but his wolf constantly howls for him, craves his touch, to see his eyes. When he saw Tyler at breakfast yesterday his heart started beating faster and Adrian could feel his body heating up. But Tyler only gave him a glance then that was it. He went back to picking at his food, not really eating it. His wolf whined and Adrian also felt a bit disappointed.

Adrian had barely slept the last 3 days. He always knew he wasn't straight since he was young but he never really identified as gay or bisexual. He mainly ignored any feelings towards guys and focused his attention on girls, hoping that one day he would find his mate and she would be a girl. But now with Tyler he was scared. He spent all his life ignoring any sort of attraction to other males and here he was now, mated to one and couldn't get the thought of him out of his head!

He thought about telling Zu but was hesitant. It wasn't that he didn't trust him to be accepting because they've been friends since birth and have always stuck by each other through thick and thin. But telling Zu would make the situation real and something he would have to confront and he wasn't sure if he wanted to do that right now.

Then there was Carmen. Carmen was another good friend of his who knew him just as well as Zu. Carmen is one of the rarest creatures on the planet, a witch mixed with lycanthrope. A wolf with the powers of a witch was greatly sought after but was also feared. This lead to her family being murdered and Carmen barely escaping the attack alive. Adrian's father found her barely alive, in the woods, when he and neighbouring pack alpha's were inspecting the murder scene. He took her in when Adrian was 7 years old and Zu and him got to know her and helped her through grieving and have been best friends since.

He was thinking about telling her about the whole situation. Zu was the type to hear a problem and want to fix the situation as soon as possible whereas Carmen understood that sometimes things just needed to be said out loud.

His thoughts were interupted by a knock at the door. "Come in" his voice came out hoarse. 

 A young girl walked in. After staring at her for a few seconds he remembered who she was; She was Tyler's younger sister Lily. 

"Sorry to disturb you, Alpha" she spoke shyly.

Adrian mentally groaned, he hated being called Alpha. "Call me Adrian." She gave me a light smile.

"There's a girl with lilac hair downstairs who just appeared in the kitchen. I asked her who she was but she just told me she was a friend of yours." she said, clearly confused.

 Carmen. Whenever he felt like he needed her she always seemed to show up. He didn't know whether she was able to sense it with her magic or if it was just by coincidence. She was also the type to just appear wherever she wanted and Adrian and his family had become so used to it they were never shocked whenever she was there.

"Thank you Lily. The girl's name is Carmen and she's a part of this pack"

"Oh. and no problem Alph- I mean Adrian" she blushed. She turned around and started to head back to her room but before she could he called her back. "Lily..h-how is your brother?" he asked, his voice shaky. She looked at him slightly confused before answering. "He's fine, he's still adjusting to all of this." Adrian gave her a nod of understanding and then she went to her room.

He went downstairs and saw Carmen laying down on the couch. "Hey carcrash!" He said. She sat up and with a giant smile on her face. "Oh shut it you idiot!" she yelled. She ran and lunged herself at him. She hugged him tightly and her hugged her back with the same force. He missed her. Carmen went on a science trip with her class and was gone for 2 weeks. "You're finally back" Adrian said, breaking their embrace and making their way to the living room. They sat down opposite each other on the couch. "I know, missed me much?" She asked while framing her face with her hands, as if she was Madonna. He rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at her. "Only a bit" he winked.

"So what's been going on since I was away?" She asked. He thought about telling her about Tyler but then he got nervous and blurted out a generic "Nothing much." followed by a "How was your trip?" She furrowed her brows together and looked at him questioningly. "Why are you making that face?" Adrian asked. Crap he thought. He always knew that Carmen was very good at reading people but she was away for 2 weeks! He concluded that the only answer was her powers. "So you're not going to actually tell me what's going on? Like why you've been acting different lately?" she asked with a raised brow. "Ok how would you even know that I've been acting weird!? Have you developed a new power to read emotions or some shit?" He asked trying to change the subject but also out of actual curiosity. She gave him an amused smile. "Not a new ability but more of a 'Zu called me to let me know that you've been acting weird and he's worried.' And if I had a new ability like that believe me you wouldn't know till I wanted you to" She smirked.

Adrian put his face to his hands and let out a sigh. Guess I'm telling her about it now he thought to himself. "I'll tell you but you have to swear you won't tell Zu. I don't him to know right now." She held out her pinky finger "I swear." They locked pinky fingers and Adrian took a deep breath and let the words fly out his mouth. "I've met my mate." Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Oh my God! Congratulations! Who is she?" she asked while she leaned over and gave him a tight hug. When she sat back and saw his face she asked "What's wrong? Isn't this a good thing?" She looked worried and Adrian felt bad. "That's the problem Camz, I don't know if this is a good thing" he began to fidget with his hands and she placed hers on his. She gave an understanding look that made him relax slightly. "My mate isn't a girl... he's a guy." He was looking down at the floor as he spoke and then looked up to her. She squeezed his hand and he squeezed it back. "So that's why you've been acting different lately?" she asked and he nodded. "So.. did he reject you? Or are you going to reject him? If you are then that's really dangerous Adrian. You know what happens to both wolves when one rejects the other and I don't-" She was cut off by Adrian giving her tight hug. When he told her she didn't even flinch at the fact that he said his mate was male. Instead she was more worried about what was going to happen to him and he was so glad. He knew that Carmen would understand but he was still grateful.

"Thank you." He whispered to her and she squeezed him in response. "And no I'm haven't rejected him and he hasn't rejected me yet." he said answering her questions. "He's from the family who just joined the pack.." Adrian explained the whole situation to Carmen and she sat there listening intently. After he finished Adrian let out a huge sigh of relief. He finally let it all out to someone and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. "I wonder what he thinks about all this" Carmen questioned. Then it hit Adrian... he never even thought about what Tyler was thinking. Tyler knows that they're mates so maybe that's why he's been so reserved since he's came. "I don't even know myself."

"I think this calls for a drink!" Carmen declared as she got up and made her way to the kitchen. As Adrian got up and made his way to the kitchen and he heard Carmen say "Oh hi." "Who are you talking to the house is empty!" He called out. Then he walked into the kitchen and froze. Tyler was there. 

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