𝔄𝔠𝔱 6

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It wasn't the sun filtering in through the wooden panes, nor was it the laughter of children echoing along the buzzing streets that woke Asira from her slumber. No, her dreams that night were far too sweet to be brought back to reality by something so trivial. Rather, it was the gentle flutter of a touch gracing her torso and the whisper of a promise against her forehead that coaxed her back to reality. A reality seemingly sweeter then that of her dreams.

Another kiss, this one lighter against her cheek as the arm draped across her waist pulled her tighter from the crux of her lower back. Kaeya must have not realized she was awake yet.

"So, how long will you pretend to be asleep, princess?" Ah. She takes that back.

A chuckle leaves her lips before Asira buries her face further into the pillow, and consequently, Kaeya's chest. "How long were you planning on staring at me, prince?" He grinned, bare face soft and upturned into an amused smile as she finally opens her eyes.


Asira let out another snort and attempted to sit up when the arm draped around her waist simply tucks her tighter against the Cavalry Captain, his lips quick to flutter across her jaw before settling once more on her lips. She doesn't protest. Instead, Asira is quick to take control, letting Kaeya groan lightly against her as she pushes him onto his back, effectively straddling his hips as they part following a small whine.

"As much as I'd love to continue this," he begins, hands already finding purchase against her hips, "I've just remembered a surprise that awaits for you downstairs." Asira raised a brow.

"Surprise? Unless it has something to do with the terrorist attack I fail to see how anything would interest me." She attempts to keep her voice steady when discussing the Fatui, but the way Kaeya's touch traces her body makes it increasingly harder to breathe. But his only response is another smile, gaze following Asira as she gets off him and the bed effectively, already beginning to dress.

He eyes the sigil against her chest before it disappears from sight once more.

She catches Kaeya's rather disappointed gaze, and throws him his own set of clothes, reluctantly adding his signature eyepatch to the pile. "Stop pouting. Regardless of your 'surprise' we still have work to do, today is the first day of the Lantern Rite." Her jaw clenches- which means they had four days left until the attack. "I'll be heading down."

"Leaving already? See you soon then, don't make me wait too long though." His laughter is the last thing she hears before exiting his room, the heat of his gaze still burning through her back.

Asira is quick to leave the vicinity of Kaeya's room, praying to both Barbatos and Morax that no one caught her lingering. Although, the thought bothered her less than it probably should have. It bothered her less than it used to.

"What am I-" she slaps a firm palm to her cheek as the elevator doors ding open, "Stupid."

The Embassy's lobby is as crowds as it has ever been, both local and Mondstadt merchants, sailors, and families swarming the scurrying workers. Asira had to weave through the crowd, several figures gasping as they saw her before bowing or saluting a greeting she half-heartedly returned. Nearly at the entrance, Asira turned to push past a particularly rowdy caravan when a high-pitched squeal erupted from over the clamor.

"It's sister Sira!"

That voice.

Asira whirls around, uncontrollable smile blooming across her lips as a familiar figure skips through the crowd before jumping into her arms, the captain catching her as they spin with the momentum. "Oh, I have sooo much to tell you!" The little girl drags out the word before giggles take over.

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