Chapter 2

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"It's called Muddy Waters?" Valerie questioned skeptically as Michael led her towards the new coffee shop.

"Obviously." Michael retorted, seeing Valerie gazing up at the small sign hanging on rails that curled on the ends outside the shop that had the name of the shop on it. Michael pushed open the glass door and entered after Valerie scooted underneath his arm and inside. It was fairly large inside, there were two rooms the first close to the door was filled with classic coffee shop small circular tables, and had a counter against the left wall that had a gigantic case where all the pastries were kept. In the room farther back there were couches, lounge chairs, a coffee table and an electric fire place in front of the largest couch.

"Wow, it's amazing in here." Valerie commented her eyes scanning the entire shop eagerly until they landed on Travis standing behind the counter cleaning it with an old beat up rag. Valerie licked her lips inattentively, Michael looked down at her as she did and laughed mocking her.

"Yummy." He murmured nudging Valerie slightly in the side winking. Valerie glared at him out of the corner of her eye as her bangs that only covered one side of her face flopped down over her eye.

"Keep your hands to yourself Michael." She laughed, he smirked heading for the room with the couches in it and flopped down into a brown leather chair.

"Now, are you going to hike up you're frilly thong and go talk to Travis, or just stare at me." Michael asked wiggling his eyebrows and crossing his legs Valerie glared at him playfully hiding a laugh.

"I'm going." She stated determined turning and walking over to the counter like she was on the Hollywood red carpet to Travis who had just finished cleaning.

"You rock it honey." Michael yelled after her.

"Hey stranger." Valerie greeted Travis leaning on the counter.

"Yeah, hi." Travis responded looking up cocking an eyebrow.

"When do you get off work?" Valerie inquired unfazed by Travis' distinct lack of interest.


"Do you think you could miss a few minutes to have a cup if coffee with me?" Valerie flirted attempting to touch his hand but he moved it swiftly before she could.

"Are you flirting with me?" Travis answered Valerie's question with one of his own.

"You're very forthright." Valerie smiled straightening up.

"And you're avoiding the question." Travis shot at her smirking slightly in almost a mocking way.

"So are you." Valerie frowned. Travis shrugged and left the counter for a moment and soon came out on the other side with two coffees.

"I have five minutes and you're paying." He told Valerie as she led him towards where she had left Michael.

"Hey there sexual monkeys." He greeted crossing his legs once again.

"Michael!" Valerie blushed as Travis laughed she quickly grabbed Travis leading him past a hysterically laughing Michael.

"So I answered your question can you answer mine?" Travis demanded as they both sat.

"Would it be so bad if I was flirting with you?" Valerie smiled taking a small sip of her coffee. Travis just watched her critically.

"You're terrible at answering questions, how are you an A student?"

"How would you know I'm an A student?"

"Everyone knows, you've done everything but shout it from the rooftops with a bull horn," he paused before continuing "you see what I just did I answered a question." Travis mocked impatiently.

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