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"What do you mean by this?" Jin's head hung low, he had given his manager a word of his own, not knowing he would react like this.

"I want to take a bre-"

"For what?! The upcoming events are almost here and you want a break?! Give me a break instead that I'm dealing with your bullshit Seokjin!! You're the oldest!! You're supposed to be everywhere the others go to! Stop acting like a baby!!" The yelling made his ears hurt, he was already tired, and now with the yelling, it couldn't help but make him want to cry.

"I know, but it'll just be one week, please?" The manager sighed, Jin staring at him with fear and worry

"No, and that's it. Now go back to work" he nodded, leaving with a deep thought in his head. He should have never came, he should have known that was going to be his response

"Hey hyung! Can you help me with the food?" Jimin said with a smile, yet all Jin did was walk right pass him. Jimin's smile went off, seeing how exhausted Jin looked, he got worried.

"Hyung? Everything okay?" Jin's eyes light up a bit, turning around to look at Jimin

"Ah..jiminie, didn't see you there" he smiled, yet Jimin could see something was off. As he received a hug from Jin, he frowned, something felt off, he had to know what exactly it was.

"Hyung, are you hungry? I'm making some food, I'll finished qu-"

"I'm tired Jimin" was all Jin said, before leaving him standing there. Jimin sighed, going back to the kitchen, he knew Jin was really tired, so he decided not to speak with him and let him rest.

Opening the door of his room, he felt the heaviness fall to his shoulders. His room was like a safe place for him, nobody would tell him anything, everything was just quiet. He locked the door, heading to the bed and dropped himself onto it.

Holding onto the pillow, tears couldn't help but to start streaming down his cheeks, uncontrollably. It was the first time in a long time since his tears were let out by itself. He wanted to scream, yet knowing the members were close, cried silently. He felt too much pressure, about work, dancing, his family, it was too much. He wanted a break, he needed one, but wasn't capable of having one.

"Why.." he said quietly, feeling the wetness of the pillow hit his cheek. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what he was doing or what he was going to do. All he knew now, was how much this tears feel down his cheeks and onto the pillow.

Everyone was worried, Jin had not come out of his room since the time he went in after talking with Jimin. They tried many things, from convincing him to come out with food or anything they could think of, yet nothing seemed to work.

"Should we just leave him?" Hoseok asked, looking at the others who stared at the door.

"But he hasn't eaten since yesterday..I'm worried" Jimin said, still knocking on the door. He didn't want his hyung to go off with an empty stomach.

"Hyung, please?" Yoongi said, hearing nothing but silence. They all sigh, they should let him be alone, he most likely needs it.

It had been quiet throughout the whole day, usually Jin would be the one who would start the conversations, yet not knowing what to say, they all decided to keep quiet. Either from the lights of their phones or from the kitchen, everything else didn't feel so bright.

"I'm going out" Yoongi said, getting up but stopped by a hand

"Where you going?" Namjoon said, holding onto Yoongi's arm

"I'm going to take some fresh air, alone" letting him go, Yoongi went out the door, the others staying in the living room.

Jin's room
He turned on the small television that was placed in his room. He had put it months ago from a gift of Yoongi, as Yoongi wanted him to distract himself if he couldn't sleep. Yoongi had gifted him many things, to that fact that Yoongi did had the same problem a few years back, knew more than the others.

He smiled a bit at the thought of how much Yoongi was, he looked like he didn't want anyone near him, but Jin for sure knew how much Yoongi wanted him close.

"What the.." Jin sat up from the bed, hearing a small bang on the window. It scared him to death. Grabbing the remote, he went to the window, almost hitting himself when he saw Yoongi

"Ya! What you doing out there?!" Jin said, opening the window as he left Yoongi in. Quickly shutting the door, he gasped as he felt his warm body on his

"Don't leave hyung..let me stay.." he heard his voice, smiling as he turned around. Yoongi could see how much tiredness was in his eyes, but decided to not say anything.

"I'll stay.."

4 days later
"Hyung? Where's hyung again?!"Yoongi said, Namjoon holding him back

"You know his words, he needs space hyung, let him be" Namjoon said as Hoseok came with his phone.

"We have events to go, we'll excuse him" Hoseok said, making the others nod. They had an interview with an American interviewer, in which they didn't want to go but what could they do.

"Okay.." Yoongi said, Namjoon patting his back as they made their way to the van they were all going in.

As they all got in, their manager counted the members, seeing one was missing.

"Where's Jin?" Jungkook gulped, they knew the manager never liked when Jin missed out, as he was the 'oldest' and all that.

"He felt sick! So please let him stay!" Taehyung tried to stay calm with his voice, as Jin did need a rest

"Fine..he only gets today, let's go" getting on next to Jimin, they drove away from the dorm, leaving behind the only piece to their hearts, Seokjin.

Making it to the studio, all the members got out with the manager. They made their way to a door that indicated where they had to be. They were greeted with staff here and there, smiling like always.

"Welcome! Just this way" one of the staff said, Namjoon followed as the others followed behind him. They looked around, the coldness of the studio hitting them.

"You may sit right here, we'll be right with you" they all thanked the staff, smiling as they sat down.

They were seated down next to each other: Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi, namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung. Waiting for the interviewer to come in so they could start the show, all of them distracted themselves, until they heard a voice.

"Wasn't there seven of you?"



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