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Army miss BTS Jin, when will he return?

Many are asking for the BTS member Kim Seokjin, will he ever return?

What has happened to the band group BTS after the hiatus of their eldest member?

How is Seokjin?

It's been over three months since anyone has last seen Seokjin. The members knew it would take long for him to find himself, the old self that was left behind in a dark world, yet they were not BTS without him. Even with the concerts that just ended, all the fans and them themselves knew it was different without Jin.

"Do you know where I left the eggs?" Hoseok said as he opened the refrigerator, seeing what he was going to eat for that morning. Looking back, he saw he was technically speaking to no one, sighing and turning back to see if he could find them.

"You seem to not have any" turning around, he smiled as he took the box of eggs and placed them in the fridge, grabbing two before closing the door.

"Wait-.." dropping the eggs, a smile was what he saw before he hugged the body that was standing in front of him. His emotions of happiness and joy and anything was up to the ceiling, hugging the body tightly.

"Y-you're g-goin-g t-to k-ill m-me be-fore t-the o-ot-thers g-get to s-see m-me" Jin tried catching some breath as Hoseok let him go, giggling him a hit before hugging him again, but this time less tightly.

"I've missed you so much hyung.." he said, holding Jin in his arms, not wanting to let him go. He felt as if he was dreaming and was about to wake up and see that reality still has him away in his deep world.

"I've missed you too Hobi, I've missed the others too" Jin's lips touched Hoseok's forehead, smiling as he saw a red tint on Hoseok's cheeks. They stepped out of the kitchen, Hoseok seeing two luggage's, guessing they were Jin's and grabbed them.

"Hyung, have you seen-.." Jungkook was beginning to speak with his clothes in his arms, to look up and see his precious Hyung smiling at him.

"Hyung?! Hyung!! It's you?! Am I dreaming?! Telling me I'm not!! I don't want to wake up!" Jungkook said with a tear coming out of his eye. Jin cooed and hugged him, feeling another tight hug from the younger. As all the yelling from Jungkook caught the attention of the others, they all went to see what he was talking about, only to see their precious hyung back again.

"Seokjin!!" They all yelled, Jin's view flashing before his eyes as he was thrown to the ground with many other bodies on top of his. He groaned in pain but realized someone was at the bottom of him, in which Jungkook took the pain all in.

"Guys!! You're killing Jungkook!!" Jin yelled, making everyone stand up as they helped Jin and Jungkook, the both of them trying to catch their breaths.

"You're really back hyung? For real this time?" Namjoon said, Jin's eyes staring at him as his mouth went into a smile. He nodded, going up to the leader and hugging him like before.

"For real Namjoon-ah, I'm back" he smiles, kissing Namjoon's cheek, making him go all red. As Namjoon was in his own world, Jin let go of him, turning around and looking at the dorm, it was a whole damn mess..

"What..has happened here.." Jin said, making the others chuckle nervously as they looked elsewhere. It was filled with clothes, shoes, food, everything just everywhere. He took a big sigh and smiled brightly.

"Let's get working!" Their hyung was back

4 hours later
"All done! You see how much nicer and easier it is when we all work together?" Jin said, seeing the others nod in exhaustion. He laughed, he was happy to be back, back with the members, back to his old self.

"Hyung, sit sit" Hoseok said, signaling Jin to sit next to him, in which he did. He smiled as he saw Hoseok lay his head on his shoulder, breathing heavily.

"So, anyone want to tell me what happened between Yoongi and Jimin last 3 months ago?" Jin said as they all stared away, not wanting to get into that topic. It was a great start, and didn't end with a great ending.

"Uh..it was just a small argument Hyung, nothing to worry about" Namjoon smiled, he didn't want Jin to work his health up again so he decided not to mention what actually happened. Jin slowly nodded, seeing their faces, he knew they didn't want to speak of it.

"Hyung would you like some cupcakes I made? They're really good!" Jimin said as his face popped into Jin's view. He scared him a bit, but made him laugh at how funny he looked upside down.

"Sure Jimin, I've been waiting for so long for your cupcakes" with a smile, Jimin quickly went into the kitchen to take out a small box, specifically meant for Jin, giving it to him with the same big smile he had ever since.

"Ohhh, there's two? Thank you Jiminie!" Grabbing a chocolate cupcake, Jin felt a slight joy in his heart, seeing how cute the cupcake was with a small pink flower and a heart. He grabbed it, not wanting to eat it because of how cute it was, but made a small bite and devoured it in seconds.

"Hm..it's delicious Jimin!" Kissing Jimin's cheek out of excitement, making him blush out of it. As Jin ate the cupcake, he couldn't help but feel as if someone was staring at him. Turning to his right, he caught Namjoon's face turn quickly, smiling and handing him his other cupcake.

"You want it don't you?" Jin said, making Namjoon laugh as he took the cupcake. At least he wasn't caught for the other reason.

"Thanks hyung.." with a smile, Jin turned back to the Tv that was on previously, still having Hoseok on his shoulder and Jungkook to his side. As he moved his attention to the Tv, Namjoon slowly ate the cupcake, smiling like an idiot as he stared at Jin, it was probably the cupcake affect.

But he wasn't the only one staring at him. In the corner sat Yoongi, who hummed only, keeping his distance. He waited for his turn, wishing everyone would leave him and Jin alone. But he would be patient for his turn.

"Yoonie? You haven't said anything since" Yoongi's eyes blinked fast my as he saw Jin in front of him. He blushed but quickly made it go away.

"Sorry hyung..I'm glad you're back.." he looked away, anywhere other than Jin's eyes, making Jin smile from how cute he looked while being shy.

Looking back at the others, who stared in jealousy, Jin took Yoongi's hand and walked him to Jin's room. The others eyes followed them, watching the door shut and sigh. Jin stood in the room he hadn't stood in so long, felt so long. He smiled back at Yoongi and pulling him into a hug, a warm, big hug.

"Ive missed you so much hyung.." his voice softly called out, holding onto Jin tightly like never before. He didn't want him to leave, never again, holding him tightly as if it was the last time he'll ever feel him



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