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               Just sign these papers and you're all set." The woman said in a happy manner. Mrs. Marinelli picked up the pen and signed the papers. Her husband rubbed her back in support and they smiled warmly at one another. Another worker opened the door and held a little boy's hand. The little boy had dark floppy hair, and his face, you can tell he's shy. He clutched onto a stuffed elephant with a bowtie and a tall hat, kept him company when he felt alone. 

               The Marinelli's introduced themselves to the shy boy, knowing he was hesitant. "This is your new family." The worker kneeled down to tell him. "They're going to take great care of you." She added with a smile, making the boy smile back. He looked up at his new parents and walked up to them. "N-nice to meet you.." The boy said before Mr. and Mrs. Marinelli gave him a warm smile. "Nice to meet you too, young man...Who's this?" Mr. Marinelli said pointing to his stuffed toy. "T-this is Taco...he likes eating tacos." He added with a giggle."One last thing before you go... what would you like to name him?" The worker said as she held a clipboard. "Joseph...His name is Joseph." 

               End of Flashback.

               The stuffed elephant sat on the top shelf of Joey's closet. In his bathroom, the bright morning sun had shined through his windows as Joey had gotten ready for school. Music played from his speakers and he danced into the bathroom. He fixed up his blue tie and winked at himself in the mirror. "Joey! Did you take my straightener again?!" Valeria asked angrily as she entered his messy room. "Jesus...Smells like rotten pizza in here!" She rolled her eyes and left, not wanting to throw up. "Correcto! There's pizza under my bed that I really should clean up..." He said before shrugging and continued to dance as he got ready.

               Sitting at the large dining table, Valeria picked at her cut fruit and leaned on her hand. "What's wrong, darling? Honey, your teacher told me you were late to class yesterday." Mrs. Marinelli asked with concern as she ate her breakfast. "Nothing, mother." Val responded before Joey scoffed. "Yeah, right. She probably misses her boy toy." He said with a laugh and Valeria kicked him under the table. "Ow!" Joey said and rubbed his leg. "I do miss Rafael, but I'm back with Santi." She said with a sigh before standing up and heading to school. 

               It had been a few months since Rafael and Jackie received a package or warning. Jackie used the money their father sent them and they moved into a gated community full of rich houses, making sure they had cameras and extra security. St. Luciani Academy allowed for Rafael to do school from home yet he still had a hard time keeping his grades up. 

               At the dining table, Jackie and Rafael were eating their burnt pancakes and Jackie spoke. "We haven't had any packages or y'know... I think it's okay for me to go back to school." Rafael said as he faced his sister. "No. We're not risking that, Rafael." Jackie said demandingly. "No buts." She added. "Jackie, please. We have security now and I can defend myself, you know this." He rebuttals. "No more talking about this." She replied before Rafael bursted out in anger. "So what? I'm just gonna live in this house the rest of my life?!" He said slamming his fist onto the table and got up, heading to his bedroom. 

               Rafael slammed his bedroom door shut and sat down at his desk. He tilted his head back and took a deep breath. Peering over at his closet door, a hanger held his school uniform and he had a clever idea. He quickly put on his uniform and grabbed his backpack before opening up his window. Rafael climbed out of his window and headed to the school. 

               A smirk on his face, Rafael walked up the steps of the school. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him as he went up to his locker. Joey had ran up to Rafael from behind and excitedly spoke. "Dude! I thought you were dead!" He said as he hugged him tightly. "Dramatic..." Rafael laughed as he hugged him back. "I was just dealing with some family stuff, I'm back though." He added as they pulled away. "You missed a ton bro. Lucia's halloween party was INSANE, wish you went. I got in a big fight with Santi and it was just AWESOME." Joey said with a cheeky smile. "Damn, I wish I could've gone, I was super busy. What else did I miss?" Rafael asked as he opened up his locker hesitantly, scared to see if there would be an unwanted surprise inside. 

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