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          The gymnasium was filled with students who dressed up their best. It had been a few hours since the group of friends arrived and they were on the look out for Alex. With the group sitting around a table, Rafael asked, "did she just ditch or something?" His eyes searched around the place, only finding students dancing and having the time of their lives. "She better not have, or else we're breaking into her fucking house." Valeria replied as she leaned back in her seat, arms crossed, and a smug expression. Rafael sighed and under the table, placed his hand on her thigh. "Don't worry, she'll show up. If she doesn't, we just have to get that 5 million to her." Lucia said before having a sip of her punch. "5 million that she probably already has? That's literally pocket money for you people." Jackie protested, taking a flask out of her suit jacket, offering some to her little brother. Rafael rolled his eyes and shoved her hand. "You're a CHAPERONE, remember?" He said.

          After a few minutes of dancing, Santiago escaped the hold Capri had on him. With a sigh, he went over to the group and took the flask out of Jackie's hands. "Hey!" She exclaimed as he chugged it down. "You guys still talking about that crazy ass bitch? I bet you she isn't stupid enough to invite us into her house, it's a trap." Santi said as he loosened up his tie. Jackie snatched the empty flask and rolled her eyes. "It won't be a trap, we can outnumber her and her dad, especially with Joey and Rafael's dad." Lucia replied before spotting the girl. "Oh, there! She's here!" She said before grabbing her purse and running towards her. 

          Alex had come in with a heavy amount of makeup, almost trying to hide something. She wore a black dress with a cardigan and heels to finish her outfit off. She hesitantly hugged Lucia and seemed completely off. "God, I can't wait to beat the shit out of her stupid ass." Valeria said under her breath before taking Rafael's hand, squeezing the life out of it in order to keep her cool. "It's gonna be okay, we need to stick to the plan, Val." Rafael said as the group watched Lucia and Alex walking over. "H-hey guys..." Alex said with a stutter and held onto herself. The group exchanged fake smiles with her before an awkward silence consumed them. "W-we're excited to come over later! Right, guys?" Lucia said with enthusiasm. "Yup." Valeria said, her eyes stuck on Alex with a strong glare. More awkward silence.

          In the dimly lit room, Joey and Samuel sat tied up in their seats. Mr. Mazzi had his gun pointed at the boy as Samuel tried to negotiate with him. "Mazzi, I will get you fucking double the money. Just don't hurt him or anyone but me. Please, Mazzi." Samuel said with heavy breaths. A chuckle left Mazzi's lips as he dropped his gun to his side. "Begging? Something I would have never expected from you, Bruno. Such a stupid deal. 20 million euros, by to-fucking-night." Mazzi said with his face near Samuel's. "The clock is ticking." He said with an evil laugh before leaving and slamming the metal door shut behind him. 

          "Well shit man, aren't you poor as fuck?! How are you gonna get 20 million?" Joey asked with a confused expression at the man. Samuel rolled his eyes and spoke, "I'm not giving him money, dammit! Since you're sister's coming to save you, I'll escape with you and kill the son of a bitch." He replied. "I'll help you, to avenge Lorenzo." Joey replied before looking at his skinny ass arms. "W-well, I'll try." 

          Alex walked to the snack bar alone, but still felt as if she was being watched. She was always the watcher, but now she was the one being watched. "Hey! Alex, right? H-how've you been? I think the last time I saw you, you were doing that project with Raffy at my house." Jackie said with a fake smile, trying to get on her good side. "Uh y-yeah..." Alex said, trying not to conversate with her and tried walking away. Jackie took a step in front of her and offered her her flask. "W-want some? you seem stressed as hell, I totally get it, It's been a long few months and-" Jackie started nervously til Alex grabbed the flask and chugged it all before handing it back to Jackie. AGAIN?! WHAT THE FUCK, MY BOOZE! Jackie thought before clenching her jaw. "D-do you have a cigarette, I need a smoke." Alex said before grabbing Jackie's hand and walking out to the field. 

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