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               As soon as lunch comes around, Rafael and Santiago are in the cafeteria serving food. They had hairnets on, an apron, and plastic gloves on. Smug and annoyed expressions laid on each of their faces as they scooped penne pasta and cooked cod onto each student's plate. Giggles and laughs came from many who passed them, especially their friends. "Enjoy the moment Lorenzo, we'll only see these two in this for a week." Joey said as him and Lorenzo laughed. Santiago groaned and clenched his jaw, scooping food off of Joey's plate. "Hey! Woah!" Joey complained before he had to keep moving in the lunch line. 

                 After serving lunches, Rafael grabbed his backpack and headed to the lunch table with his "friends." "Well isn't it Hercules himself?" Capri said with a seductive smirk while he sat down next to Joey. "For real, no one has ever made Santiago bleed like that." Lorenzo added before taking a bite of cod. Rafael scoffed and shrugged it off. "He says dumb shit that pisses me off, he was bound to get socked at some point." He said as he started eating his ham sandwich. 

               "Seriously though? Two boys fighting over you, Valeria? You must be enjoying this." Capri said with a fake laugh and poshly taking a sip of her smoothie. Valeria rolled his eyes and tried keeping her anger inside while she read her book. Rafael looked over at Valeria and sighed. "Enough, Capri." Lucia started as she sat in Lorenzo's lap, placing her hand behind his head and playing with hair. "Why don't we talk about the Thanksgiving party I'm throwing?" Lucia added. "Ah yes, Lucia Azzaro's notorious parties." Joey responded while trying to steal some of Rafael's food before he smacked Joey's hand out of the way. "C'mon guys, you all look like someone stole your butt implants? Let's celebrate Rafael coming back and have fun!" Lucia said with a merry manner and everyone was somewhat convinced. "I'm down." Rafael said before nudging Joey. "Me too." Joey said smiling at his friend. "Jesus, me? at a party? OFC." Capri said. "Whatever." Valeria muttered. 

                Joey parked in front of Rafael's new house and looked in awe. He honked his car horn and waved at some people who walked past with a big smile. Rafael ran to his car and shook his head, "What the fuck are you doing?! You're being too loud!" He said before getting into Joey's convertible. "Chill! You're cranky, aren't you? Lighten up, we're about to PARTY!" Joey said with a big smile and let out a laugh before driving them to Lucia's mansion.

               As both boys entered the house, tons of people have already started having their fun. Smoking weed, drinking plenty of alcohol, dancing and swimming in the pool. "I thought this was a Thanksgiving party...to y'know celebrate what we're thankful for." Rafael said in confusion as they both watched the party. "Are you kidding? You expected a big table with turkey and stuffing? That's not how we celebrate, cmon!" Joey scoffed, nudging his friend. 

               Santiago was dancing in a crowd of people and chugging a bottle of beer. He had girls surrounding him, being very touchy. A big smile on his face, he felt free. "I see your ex-boyfriend having some fun." Capri said to Valeria as they both looked over at him. "I don't care. That dick can do whatever the fuck he wants." Valeria said before taking a shot and slamming the shot glass onto the kitchen counter before walking away. Capri let out a laugh and shook her head. 

               After her conversation with Valeria, Capri walked over to Santiago and started dancing with him. "Still trying to get with me, huh?" Santi said teasingly, knowing it pissed her off. "Are you kidding? You don't know what you're missing." Capri said with a laugh as they continued dancing, more and more risky as time went on. She continued to make her moves at Santiago and slipped a pill into his beer.

               Sitting around the couches in the living room, Lucia sat next to Lorenzo with his arm wrapped around her. "So, are you guys finally enjoying after being so gloomy at school?" Lucia asked with a laugh and looked at her friends. Valeria sat with Alex on the couch opposite Rafael and Joey. "I mean, how can we enjoy when Rafael wasn't here?" Joey said with a big drunk smile, wrapping his arm around Rafael's shoulder, chugging a shot of vodka. "Jesus man, you're drunk." Rafael said in slight disgust. "This is getting boring, why don't we play a game?" Alex asked with attitude. "Sure, what about 7 minutes in heaven?" Lorenzo suggested after taking a sip of his beer. "Isn't that game for children?" Valeria complained with crossed arms. "Oh shush, Val! C'mon get in a circle." Lucia asked excitedly and the whole group sat in a circle on the designer rug. 

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