Chapter 7

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"I love your daughter..." - Taehyung

On the phone.

Taehyung: "Baby?" He said as soon as Jisoo picked up the phone.

Jisoo: "Yeah? What is it? " She said with a low tone.

Taehyung: "Hmm. Are you okay babe?" He senses sadness in her voice.

Jisoo: "I'm okay, Tae." She responded.

Taehyung: "I don't think you're telling me what you truly feel. You're not good at lying. Tell me what happened." He demanded.

Jisoo: "Babe... I'm just tired and sleepy. I'm okay." She explained.

Taehyung: Sigh. "Okay, okay. I've decided to see my doctor." He said. "I need to see him tomorrow. But I promise that I will be back as soon as I'm done with my appointments." He continues.

Jisoo: "Hmm. That's good, babe. You take care there, okay?" She said.

Taehyung: "Yeah. You should take care of yourself too while I'm away, okay?" He said.

Jisoo: "Yes babe." She responded.

Taehyung: "Alright. Go ahead and sleep now. I miss you already. I love you!" He said with a sweet voice.

Jisoo: "I love you too, Tae!" She said.

The moment Jisoo ended the call, tears started falling on her cheeks.

Jisoo: "What am I going to do? I love him." She cried. "Why is this happening?" She's sobbing.

Next day.

Jisoo mom: "Jisoo... Chu... Wake up." She said, trying to wake her up.

Jisoo: "Hmmm. Mom?" She said feeling weak.

Jisoo mom: "Jisoo, are you alright?" She got worried.

Jisoo: "I... I feel feverish. And, my head hurts." She said.

Jisoo mom: "What? Let me check your temperature quickly." She said.

Jisoo: "It was raining hard yesterday. We had to run from Taehyung's car to the house." She said with eyes closed.

Jisoo mom: "Maybe that's the reason why you caught a fever." She said then checked her body temperature. "It's above normal. Let me get some medicine for you to feel better." She said before leaving to get medicines in the kitchen. Jisoo checked her phone and saw Taehyung's messages. It's 10 am.

Taehyung message 1 at 7 am: "I'm on my way now to the city. You might still be sleeping at this time. I miss you my Chichi."

Taehyung message 2 at 8 am: "I'm now at our house. It feels different here. I'll rest for a while and I'll see the doctor later at 11 am."

Jisoo was too weak to respond to his messages. All she wanted to do was sleep.

Jisoo mom: "Here, eat your breakfast first then take your medicines." She said while helping Jisoo to get up and eat.

Jisoo: "I'm not hungry." She said.

Jisoo mom: "No, you have to eat. And, I need to go in a bit. I have an important business in the next town. I won't be back until tonight. Jennie has been out with her friends since yesterday. No one will help you later if you do not eat now." She explained. Jisoo just looked at her." I'm sorry I can't cancel my meeting today. Will you be alright here? " She asked.

Jisoo:" I'll be fine, mom. I should be alright after I take the medicine." She said. Her mom just smiled at her.

Taehyung POV:

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