the deal

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"....."= person speaking

(.....)= persons thoughts

*.....*=persons actions

hello= what they are reacting to


Y/N- "this takes place just before Grey meets you guys."

"You see..." Alaric whispered mysteriously as he leaned in close. "I have a crest that tells me you're not from here."

I stared deadpan at the old man.

Caera- "after seeing you crying and being angry in the other reactions, it kind of feels good seeing you back to normal and back to how you usual act."

He winked. "Just kidding."

My annoyance turned to anger. I should've known that this alcoholic was just messing with me.

Riah- "that guy seems quite annoying."

Grey- "yeah he was and still is."

I stood up to leave when the drunkard spoke again.

"I don't need magic to tell me that." He rolled his eyes dramatically. "Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell if they spent some time watching you."

"You were watching me?" I asked, sitting back down.

Ada- "that's creepy"

"Only because you stick out like a sore thumb. You carry yourself like a seasoned warrior, but your build and flawless skin suggests that you're either a noble, caster, student or all three." Alaric finished off the rum in his glass before continuing, "As if that's not strange enough, you look and act like a tourist visiting from a faraway outpost."

He waved his hand up and down as he examined me with a casual gaze. "You're a walking bundle of inconsistencies. Now if you were in a more military or politically inclined dominion like Vechor or the Central Dominion, I'd put my nonexistent money on you getting cuffed in less than a day."

I let out a scoff. "So why haven't I drawn suspicion until now then?"

"Oh you probably have," he mused. "Suspicion, curiosity, interest, all of the above. It's just that Etril has always been a hub of diverse travellers that the worse they'd do is wonder and judge silently."

After surveying the establishment we were in more carefully, I turned back to Alaric.

"Assuming what you said was correct, what is your reason for making yourself known?" I lowered my voice into a more threatening tone.

Kalon- "wait where are you from then."

Y/N- "you will know soon."

Caera- "I wouldn't be so surprised I mean when I met him he asked really obvious questions."

Riah- "Are you perhaps a guarded noble man like Caera."

Grey- "my parents where very protective of me, you will learn about it more later."

"Why the mask? Are you trying to just complete your little ninja ensemble?" Regis asked, inspecting my new appearance.

I curled and uncurled my fingers that were wrapped up to the second knuckle by the cloth. "The Alacryans that passed by had different types of armor that most likely fit their fighting styles, but all three had masks around their necks and unlike ourselves, they seemed to know what it is they're getting themselves into."

"Wow. Smart," Regis acknowledged, bobbing his head up and down.

Caera- "I just relized but you keep calling us 'Alacryans' like you are not one."

Grey- "you will know why soon."

*everyone was suspicious*

If Alacryans referred to family as 'blood', then did 'highblood' mean that Caera was from nobility? It made sense considering that she had two highly capable guards more than willing to risk their lives for her.

Caera- "again referring to us as if you are not one."

Ada- "well it is impossible I mean we have seen his mark."

Taking a breath, I asked, "What was the last news you've heard about the war going on with Dicathen much time has passed since then?"

"The latest news that was delivered to my estate right before we prepared for our ascent was that Scythe Cadell had managed to conquer the Dicathian's sacred flying castle," Caera answered with a hint of pride. "So taking into account the time flow within the Relictombs, I'd say it has been almost two weeks since then."

Kalon- "Oh I nearly completely forgot that we defeated those brutal people."

*Grey started to get angry*

*Everyone saw Grey angry and was curious then Riah gasped*

*everyone looked at her*

Riah- "I just realized why you are angry, you said your dad died a few months ago, did he perhaps die in the war."

Grey- "yes"

*everyone was silent and felt bad for him*

After time had passed and I ran out of details on the walls, ground, and pillars to distract myself with, unwanted and painful memories that I had been pushing back began resurfacing.

Me, fighting against Nico, who had reincarnated into Elijah's body. Actually, Elijah might've always been Nico—I remembered Elijah telling me how his memories before arriving in the kingdom of Darv was all a blur.

Caera- "who is nico/ Elijah"

Grey- "he is my old friend"

Riah- "then why did you two fight, it sound like your injuries where caused by your fight which means he tried to kill you."

Grey- "He wanted to kill my girlfriend so he could revive his girlfriend."

Kalon- "no wonder your where so sad back then"

I remembered Tess sacrificing herself because I couldn't win against Cadell, the scythe that had killed Sylvia.

Caera- "wait did you say a scythe, why where you and your friends fighting a scythe?!"

Grey- "My old friend was a scythe and since me and my friends where rebelling against him the other scythe got involved and ended up nearly killing me and sylvia."

*everyone thought they understood everything*

Y/N- "I know you think you know the whole picture but that is just the beginning of it."

*everyone was confused*

Y/N-" just look and see the next clip, Grey I would mentally prepare from what comes next."

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