Chapter 15: Goodbye

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It was now the morning of the third day since my husband and his brothers had disappeared.

3 days. That's what Nobuhle and Khumo said.

If we had not received a call from any one of the brothers, we were to pack our bags, our daughters and take the emergency passports and IDs, and leave the country. We were to go our own separate ways from there, and not be in contact for at least 2 months until everything blows over.

2 months. I have to just pack up my life and daughter and move to a different country all alone and not even be in contact with the other wives. What about the kids? This would be such a huge transition for them.

I then took this moment to say a little prayer.

Heavenly Father, I know you're shocked to be hearing from me, but... I dont know what to do. I'm expected to flee the country by tonight if I don't hear anything from any of the brothers. And I know what you're talking, I dated Nxumalo knowing he was a criminal. I got engaged to him knowing he was shady. I had his child knowing he'd one day put our family at risk and I married him knowing that one day, he'd turn my life upside down. But I did all of those things out of love. I'm sorry that I let that same love you have blessed me with blind me from also thinking logically. Now, I feel for my daughter more than anything. And if her father is up there with you, please reunite us soon, I don't think I can do this whole life thing without him.

The thought of him being dead causes me to start crying again and I'm just unable to continue with words. I sit there and hope that God listens to my heart instead.

After a few minutes, I gather myself and rid of my tears. I couldn't give up now. They would call. We just had to be a little more patient.

But it seems it was only I that was willing to. The other wives had gone up to start packing.

I had so much hope that my phone would ring, that I made sure it was never on vibrate or silent mode. I made sure it was fully charged and around me at all times. Heck, not even Phiwe could play with it anymore. I had blocked any other calls and didn't make any at that, I couldn't afford to have our calls clashing.

But regardless of how hopeful I was, I had to be realistic. I had to stay ready. It was now 8pm and if we didn't receive a call in 2 hours... We would have to leave.

But anything could happen between now and two hours right?

I zip sealed the suitcases and sat on the bed again. I grab my phone and the screen comes alive. My wallpaper of our matching tattoos decorates my screen and the forceful pull hits me unexpectedly.

Again, I cry.

But why are you crying? You were going to divorce him mos?

Yes, divorce. Not this. This meant I would never be able to see him ever again. This meant that Phiwe would grow up without a father.

I couldn't understand how my beautiful marriage turned into something as sour as me having to cry every time I thought about him. Things were rocky since the last time we had spoken to each other, and every time we did, it would turn ugly. I knew he was probably hurting because he was acting out of character, but so was I. I'm his wife. Why couldn't he just talk to me about what's going on in his head? Why did he choose to complete alienate his family and go off like some bachelor?

Again, my heart is heavy with too memories that the crying gets harder and harder, but I try to silence my cries as best as I can, not wanting to scare the girls, although the twins already know what's going on.

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