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| Third Person's POV |

'All these are unnecessary.' That's what Aeron have been telling himself since him and the boys walked out of their dorm and now on their way to the mall.

"Do we really need these?" Aeron asked as they get inside a particular shop.

"Loosen up, hyung. It's your day." Cliff tap the son of Ares' back and chuckles.

"The girls will be here later." Cole announced as they all changed to robes. It's morning and their first plan for the day is...



All the boys reached their dorm before the girls since they insisted to stay behind in the mall, saying they still needed to do something which kind of make Aeron slightly nervous. The girls sometimes plan something on their own and the boys are obviously always in it.

"Where have you been?" Aeron asked the girls once they entered their dorm. The boys dorm. They picked the boys dorm to have the 'party' since it's more spacious than the girls' have.

"We just bought the supplies we need for our plan!" Juliane grins and showed them the paper bags she is carrying.

Aeron's brows meet in confusion. 'What kind of plan is she talking about??'

"What kind of plan?" Cliff asked. Looks like the other guys also don't have any idea about it.

Kendra laughs. "Oh this will be fun."

"What is these?" Cole picked up the paper bags and peek inside. He pulled out small boxes and bottles that the others quickly recognized.

"We thought that it will be fun to have a different look so we bought some hair dyes!" Juliane said excitedly.

"I'm completely fine with my hair." Cliff said but Juliane shook her head.

"Oh don't lie, Cliff oppa. I know you want to change your hair so~ we're gonna dye your hair!"


"This is so itchy, Juliane." Cliff complaints but Juliane quickly steady his head when Cliff tilt his head.

"Stop moving oppa!"

"Can I just--" he raised his hand to scratch his head but Juliane tap it away.

"Stop! If you scratched your head it will go messy!" Juliane said.

"But it's so itchy--"

"Hold still!!" Juliane ordered firmly and finally Cliff stopped moving.


"Stop moving--"

Raiden duck his head making Kendra to huff in frustration. She shift her gaze to Luana who is peacefully dyeing Aeron's hair.

"Can we swap?" Kendra asked annoyingly.

Luana gave her a glance before focusing back. "You can handle him."

Kendra rolls her eyes. "Gods." she stares at Raiden's hair. "Stop moving or I'll paint this hair dye all over your face." she finally said and continue dyeing.

Raiden, on the other hand, smirks and keep on having his head down.


"Are you good?" Elaine asked the guy sitting in front of her while she massaged his head.

𝓢𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓾𝓼 𝓐𝓬𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓶𝔂 | 𝕋𝕏𝕋 𝕩 𝕀𝕋ℤ𝕐Where stories live. Discover now