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• 48 - WAR IV •

| Juliane's POV |

My eyes is glowing while my hands are on the ground. Earth shaking furiously as I build our defence in here at the west wing. Rocks and earth being one to be a strong wall.

I support my body with my hands as I pant heavily. My eyes turning back to its normal color and my head spinning. Oh my gods, I really hate using my Supreme level. I heave a deep sigh.

"Juliane.." I felt Cliff behind me as his arms are already on my waist. "Are you okay? Can you still fight?"

"Yeah, yeah." I pushed myself with the help of Cliff but I still almost fall down.

"Juliane." Cliff tightened his grip on me. "Are you sure, you can? Juliane--"

"Do you need help?"

A student approached us and my eyes sparkles. I know her! She's a daughter of god Asclepius! Her name's Galen!

Asclepius, God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians

I had talked with her before! And she's pretty and great! Quiet at first but she shared to me everything about herself after more chats!

I can't talk since I felt my throat is dry so I just gave her a smile and a nod. She held my hand as it glows as well as her eyes. I take a deep breath and released it.

Woah~~ that felt good!

I think I can run for miles! My smile widens and quickly pulled Galen to a hug. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"It's okay." we pulled away. "You should not drain your powers, Juliane." she look at me and Cliff. "The academy needed the both of you. Strong. So be careful."

I nodded at her. "Okay! Thank you again, Galen!" I waved at her as she walk away from us to be on her spot.

Ground shaking makes me alarmed. Ihhhh!! They're here!!

Cliff turned me to face him. I can see he's worried by his eyes. Well, I'm pretty worried to..

"Don't go on your Supreme level again, okay? As much as possible, use your weapon." he reminded me and I nod at him.

I summon my weapon. He is about to go when I stop him. "Be careful." I told him. He gave me an assuring smile and playfully mess my hair.

"I'll be fine. You. You should be careful, okay? If you got into some trouble... call my name."

A smile grow into my lips and nod.


I pierced my sickle to a daemon as I jumped and kicked the other. Ugh! There are so many of them! Even though I blocked the forest with walls of rocks and earth, the creatures are still coming from different directions!

I almost screamed when a cyclops tried to take me. Gods! Okay, Juliane. Calm down.

I stomp on the floor as it arose. The cyclops tried to chase after me but I just jump as the ground rises to catch my every steps. With a final jump, I turn towards the cyclops, throwing my sickle while tightly gripping the handle. Chains doubling in length and it twisted around the cyclops' wrist. I pulled it down with me as I land. The blade of my sickle, pierced to its skin making it shrieks in pain.

That hurts my eardrum!

I just pulled my weapon more until the hand cut off. One of the amazons also helped and beheaded it. It's so gross to watch!!

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