You have no clue how long I've waited to do that

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Ship: Tommy x Ranboo

Fluff (Kinda angst idk)

Tommy and Ranboo sat on the hill watching the sunset. Well, neither of them were actually watching the sunset. Ranboo was sitting down thinking about how to confess his love to Tommy. A thousand different ways came across his head and yet, none of them seemed right. Tommy, on the other hand was staring at Ranboo, admiring all of his featues. His pretty two-colored eyes, his fluffy hair, his soft li- Wait. Ranboo was his friend riht? Nothing more, right? Tommy sat there panicking slightly. I mean, he can't be in love with his best friend, can he? Tommy was fucked. He was in love with Ranboo, Ranboo of all people, and he probably didn't like him back. 

Ranboo turned around to face Tommy, and then realised he was staring at him. "Hey Toms, you're staring" Ranboo softly told him. "I-I N-NO I WASN'T" Tommy panicked, along with the realisation he was in love with his best friend and NOW he had been caught staring at him, God, how he wished the ground would swallow him up right now. 

"Hey Tom..." Ranboo said softly "Yeah?" He respinded, his tone equally soft. "I- uh really like you and um i know you don't like me back but yeah I-" He was cut off by Tommy kissing him. He melted into the kiss, wishing it could last forever, but he needed to breathe. "Dickhead, never assume things, eh? Of course I love you, why wouldn't I? You're sweet and lovely and you have a great personality. You hair is so fluffy and all I want to do is run my fingers through it. Your lips are so soft its so hard not to just lean over and kiss you. And your eyes, oh my god your eyes I could be lost in the for days they're so pretty and amazing and oh my god I love you so much Ranboo" All his emotions came ouyt of him in one big flood and it felt so good to finally say it out loud. "Stop complimenting me and just kiss me already" came the cheeky response from Ranboo. Tommy leaned over and kissed Ranboo full on the lips and this one lasted longer and was more passionate compared to the previous one which was nervous and experimental. 

"Soo Toms, what does this make us?" "I'm not quite sure Ranboo, what do you want this to make us?" "Boyfriends, that is if you don't mind" "Then boyfriends it is Toms" The pair smiled and finished watching the sunset, this time cuddling closer and hoding hands. 

436 words

A/N again, not very good at writing so take this stupidly cliche thing 

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