3) Sad Bunny

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Request by: hanse_isbaby
Hello. I am finally posting your request. Ummm i added a few parts to your original request. I really hope you all like it. 🥺💖
doyoung wakes up feeling really clingy but jungwoo is out busy. doyoung gets really sad he doesn't know why but when Jungwoo comes home he makes sure to cuddle his baby and give him kisses


It was 8 in the morning when doyo opened his eyes. He woke up feeling cold and realised his boyfriend was nowhere to be found.
He couldn't understand why but he felt really sad the moment he saw a small sticky note by his side of the bed. Jungwoo only attaches these sticky notes when he has to go away while doyo is sleeping or doing something else. He read it and his thoughts were proven true. Jungwoo had a morning schedule and was gone for the same. Doyo knew he wouldn't be gone for long, nevertheless he was still sad.
He just wanted to have a lazy day with his bf as they both cuddle, see a movie and eat popcorn. Was that too much to ask?? He screamed in his head before hugging woo's pillow and buried his face into it.
He got up a bit later, clearly irritated. He couldn't sleep much overall as they had come in late the night before due to comeback practice. And he woke up quite early in the morning if he counts the total hours he slept. On top of this, he didn't wake up because his sleep was complete, he woke up because he was cold. So naturally he wasn't in his best mood.
He directly went to the bathroom to brush and showered and was back in his room.

With the time passing he could feel himself become sadder and in need of his cuddle partner, his bf. He didn't even eat his own favourite snacks but switched to his bfs. And he definitely wasn't wearing his own clothes. He was wearing one of the many he stole from his bf. At this point half of his home wardrobe was filled with all the clothes he stole from jungwoo. And all this time jungwoo thought he lost those clothes till he saw doyo's cupboard. Now jungwoo approaches doyo's cupboard at home most of the time to take his clothes to wear.

Doyoung looked at the shirt and sweater he was wearing and he smiled to himself as he remembered the fight he had with jungwoo over it. Jungwoo just wanted to take back his baby blue colour sweater but doyo stole it from his hand and ran away. Jungwoo had to chase him all over the house from johnny and haechan's bed to taeyong's back till he finally caught him and carried him back to the room. Doyo had fought for that sweater with his life till jungwoo gave it up and went to find something else to wear.
Now he was even more sad as he buried his face into the sweater paws trying his best to not sniffle.

This wasn't him. He wasn't this needy or clingy. Now he was angry with himself. Why was he acting like this? It wasn't like his woo wouldn't return. And they would be able to rest for the rest of the day the moment jungwoo returns. He soon screamed into his soft toys. He didn't realize he was crying till he felt someone try to pull his shoulders towards them.

He panicked and looked up only to find himself in his bf's arms. Soon his face was hidden in between jungwoo's strong chest as two hands rubbed his body trying to soothe him.

Once doyo stopped crying and was hugging jungwoo tightly, jungwoo tried to pull away to have a look at his baby's face. But his baby only shook his face and hugged him tightly.

"Baby, doyo look up." like a baby he is, doyoung looked up.
"Now why was my baby crying?? Hmmm" doyo couldn't say anything but pulled jungwoo's hand making him fall on the bed.

"Ahh! Baby??" jungwoo was confused as doyoung adjusted himself, promptly placing his head on his chest as their legs entangled with each other.

Jungwoo soon heard a faint "miss you" from him. He then protectively wrapped his own arm around doyoung's broad shoulders and tried to close any space left in between them. Soon he started prepping kisses on his head as doyo's soft hair tickled him, before moving to his shoulders and neck.

"I am right here baby" jungwoo said as one of his arms lightly pulled doyoung's face up and doyo felt a light kiss on his lips before jungwoo's lips touched his forehead.


So how was this everyone?? I hope you all liked it...

I want to write a dowin but I am lost for an au 😭I was writing one but forgot the plot😭😭

And have a good day everyone. Stay safe💕💕❤️💕❤️❤️💕❤️

Alright a joke??? Because I love it too much

Alright a joke??? Because I love it too much

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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