Why Is Time Moving So Fast?

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They say when you meet your soulmate, time stops.
And that's true.
What they don't tell you, is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.

Jay stepped closer to me, "I liked my birthday the minute I woke up this morning. You made it feel special before it even started."

His deep look into my eyes almost took my breath away.

And time was doing a funny thing.

Almost like it had paused for a minute...

Jay stepped even closer and grabbed my hand. I looked down at our hands and time resumed its normal course. Except this time it felt a little faster.

Hmm. Strange.. I thought.

I looked into Jays eyes again but there wasn't a magical feeling this time and it felt more awkward.

I looked away and then back again, smiling sweetly I asked "how come you never liked your birthday before?"

Jays eyes looked sad but then blanked into nothing and he looked away while still holding my hand.

"I.. uh... I just don't like much attention on me. And I think people should show their love and appreciation for each other everyday instead of mostly just on one day a year.."

"Jay.." I objected softly. "Most people don't like attention on themself. That's normal. I think the reason is something more..."

He looked away and I saw him blink rapidly. "I.. I can't tell you right now. It would be weird if I did since we just met. Someday I'll tell you."

"Of course!" I replied kindly. "I understand."

Jay nodded and walked over to the gazebo bench. Still holding his hand I went with him and we both sat down.

Trying to make the mood lighter I asked "What's your favorite day of the week?"

He laughed sheepishly. "It used to be Mondays. Because everyone else was always grumpy and it fit my mood perfectly. Plus everyone would leave me alone."

"Jay!..." I scolded playfully.

"I know I know." He defended while laughing. "It was horrible. But my new favorite day is Friday."

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Because it's the day someone spilled coffee on me and made time stop for me." Jay replied unashamedly.

I blushed and giggled while looking down at me lap.

Jay squeezed my hand and said "I like you Ae Ri."

I looked up and met his eyes. "Jay, I like you too. I think you'll be a great friend! I'm glad I met you!"

I felt a little bad for friend-zoning him like that but we just met yesterday and I don't date yet.
I'm not allowed to until I'm 16 and even if I could, it wouldn't be an almost stranger. So I had little choice...

Jay's POV:

"Jay, I like you too! I think you'll be a great friend! I'm glad I met you!" Ae Ri replied in her sweet, gentle manner not knowing how her words made me feel.

Trying to pretend I didn't feel sad and disappointed, I smiled and jumped up "Well, now that we know we're friends, should we take a walk around the pond and get to know each other better?"

Ae Ri smiled back and replied enthusiastically "Sure! I love walking around this park! It's my very favorite one!"

"Mine too! Do you live close to here?" I asked conversationally.

"I do—just down that street on the left." She answered pointing across the road to a street with houses lined on both sides.

I nodded acknowledgingly.
"I live nearby too, except my house is a little less then 10 minutes away from here if you walk."

We began talking about things we liked doing around town and that began the start of us getting to know each other...

After a while I received a call from my mom asking when I would be home.

Checking the time I realized it was almost 2 p.m. and that I'd been gone for 3 hours!

Telling my mom I'd be home shortly, I hung up and turned back to Ae Ri. "I have to go home now, my mom wants to do my birthday stuff soon."

She nodded understandingly. "Oh yes of course! I shouldn't have taken up so much of your time on your birthday!"

"Oh no don't feel bad!" I hurriedly assured. "I had a fabulous time! Thank you for setting this up for me and also for the gifts!"

She smiled happily "you're very welcome, I had a great time!"

"Are you busy tomorrow? It'd be fun to hang out again if you're free.." I said hesitatingly as I don't want to be too overbearing on how much I see her.

"Since it's Sunday, I'll be at church in the morning and in the afternoon I go visit my Grandma in the country, so I'll be busy all day."

"Oh I see. What church do you go to?" I asked.

"You can see it if you stand on the kids tower over in the playground." Ae Ri replied.

Walking over to it, we both climbed up the little tower and what do you know but that the church we saw was the exact one my parents go to every Sunday!

I exclaimed "Oh that's the one my family goes to!"

"Really?!" She replied excitedly. "How long have you been going there?"

"Umm.. It's been several years, I can't really remember..."

I hadn't gone to church in probably 2 years. My parents gave up trying to make me go when I was 14 because of how rebellious and angry I acted every time I went. I'd never cared to go again but you can be sure I'll be at church tomorrow morning!

"Neat! I don't think I've ever seen you there?... I've been going for the past year since my family moved to this area." Ae Ri said looking puzzled.

"Well I don't go very often.." I started to say but then decided to be honest. "I stopped going two years ago. Because I hated church so much."

"Why is that?" She asked looking mildly shocked.

"That's a story for another day." I answered vaguely. "I should probably go now though."

"Ah yes!" Ae Ri said brightly, but she seemed a little sad since I said what I did about church. "I'll see you another day I suppose and I hope you have a good rest of the day!"

"Thanks! I enjoyed the little birthday party you did and also getting to know you more!" I answered smiling. "I'll be seeing you! Bye"

"Bye bye" She waved with a happy smile.

I turned and started the walk back home, smiling and feeling happy inside from the hours spent with Ae Ri.

It felt like time went by so fast today though.

Almost like it was ticking even faster to catch up for the moments it had paused for the time stopping minutes with Ae Ri..

So I'm super happy that I was able to update today!!
And just for fun I want to send a shoutout to my good friend svtmargie And her fanfic she's writing called "Heavens Cloud". It's really good and I'd love it if some of you checked it out! 😁🥰
Have a good day! 😘

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