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"Dazai...." Chuuya mumbled, his signature glare setting in. "Why are we wasting time here!?"

Dazai had decided he wanted a sweet from a cafe, dragging Chuuya to sit with him while he got some food and a drink.

He leaned forward on the table of the booth they sat in, his eyes transfixed on someone behind Chuuya. "Do you see that beautiful girl over there? Do you think she'd die with me?"

"Dazai! We have to find that Tanaka guy to get him to release his ability!" Chuuya reminded while stomping on the latter's foot.

Dazai squealed, clutching his foot while waving away Chuuya's nagging. "Later, later~! Let me at least order something right now."


The taller was already standing, walking off to make his order. "How about I get you something too? Excuse me, can I order something!"

Chuuya let out a long sigh, his head sinking into his hands. He's spent so long despising Dazai, only to be forced to spend time with him and not even be able to insult him as usual. He was so used to that dynamic between them that he wasn't sure how else to act. He felt so out of place, and was sure Dazai must feel the same-- he was just better at not showing it.

"Alright, here you go." A familiar voice stated, the sound of glass touching the table making Chuuya lift his head.

A teacup sat in front of him, and for a moment Chuuya was surprised Dazai actually ordered something for him. He tugged the cup closer, the inside filled with white liquid.

"Milk? Why?"

"So you can grow up, shorty."

The feeling of thankfulness that had crept up inside of him immediately vanished and was replaced with rage. He nearly threw the cup of milk at the bastard that sat before him. "Shut up! Isn't that an insult, how are you able to say that!"

"I guess it's not an insult if it's true." Dazai chuckled as he munched on a croissant.

"That's unfair! Do you enjoy making me mad!?"

"I like how cute you look when all worked up."

"I'm not--!" Chuuya faltered, blinking as he registered Dazai's words. "Wha-....what?"

The latter paused, dropping his croissant.

"I-... I don't know why that came out..." Dazai mumbled, his eyes falling to his lap. His cheeks flushed pink as he quickly turned away to avoid the awkwardness. "This gas is really hard to fight..."

"So, it's making you say weird things too, huh..." Chuuya muttered as he gazed at Dazai's reddened face, his own complexion matching. "Weird."

"What is?"

"I've never seen you blush, it's weird."

Dazai frowned, banging the table as he looked over at the redhead's disgusted expression. "I don't usually blush around you! A-And you're blushing too, shorty!"

"I am not!"

"You are too! Your face is superrrr red!"

"Yours is worse-- agh whatever!" Chuuya stood up and marched toward the door, escaping the embarrassment of the moment. "We need to find Tanaka fast so I can be done with this!"

"Fine, fine~" Dazai shoved the rest of the croissant in his mouth and hurriedly followed the latter. "Let's try searching the area around that building, he might've gone back since we left, or might be hiding out somewhere nearby."

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