Chapter 1

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*Sammy's POV*
Hi in Sammy Wilkinson you might know me from vine or magcon anyways I lived in Nebraska all my life I got to Westside high school my friends are Jack Gilinsky, Nash Grier,and nate. I had walked into English and took my seat I guess you could say I was smart/but not I could care less about school but I need to pass to get the fuck out of here. When the bell rang for class to start. Five minutes later a girl walked in she had long blonde hair, green eyes she looked 5'7ish she was beautiful I couldn't first d the words for how beautiful she was. When Mr.Jones put her behind me I was the happiest person on earth I was gonna turn around and introduce myself but I didnt.
The bell rung to got to our next class and Chloe (I got her name when Mr.Jones said her name) had already left the class I was walking in the hall and saw Chloe talking to Ashley the schools slut I have to interduce myself to here before Ashley changes here and get her away from Ashley. I walked into my English class and sat in my desk and there was a smile on my face when I saw her walk in and sit next to me. When Mrs.Brooks have us our assignment I was finish with mine so I decided to write Chloe a note that said
Hi I'm Sammy I was wondering if were could become friends if you don't know who I am I sit right in front of you in algebra and I am right next to you:)
I slid it on here desk and watched her open it and read it she looked up and looked at me and smiled and started writing on the paper when she gave it back it said
C-Hi I'm Chloe and sure I would love to be friends with you I need more friends so I'm not so lonely by myself lol:) and yea I saw you in my first period
So I had to write back
S- lol well you have me as a friend:) what's your next period
C- yayy lol I have choir
S- you sing?
C- Yes but I don't think I'm good but I love to sing
S- I bet your voice is beautiful. May I hear this voice of yours
C- well thank you and sure
S- when can I hear this voice of yours
C- when would you like to hear it
S- What are you doing tomorrow after school
C- idk let me txt my mom and ask
S- ok
I had passed her back the note and was waiting for her to text her mom and give me an answer after five minutes she had passed me back the note saying
C- my mom said that we are meeting our neighbors tonight and I'm not doing anything tomorrow
S- sweet do you think you can meet me after school today?
C- yea sure
And with that the bell rang and I was walking out of the class going to p.e I went into the locker room to get my p.e. clothes on after that I went to the gym to warm up shooting some hoops. When the coach finally came in and told us to line up and do some lay-ups we did.
P.e. went by fast so I was in the locker getting dresses into my regular clothes til Jack came up to me "Hey have you seen the new girl" "yea What about her" I said with a shrug "dude she's fucking hot and her ass oh my God" "dude could you please shut up and keep your eyes on your own girlfriend maybe someone would like tl have a shoot with her before she gets to you" I said angrily at how he was talking about her. Jack was the schools player he gets with every girl he thinks is hot all he does is ask them out and fuck them and then leave them. The reason he's still with his girlfriend now is because she wants to wait "Damn dude What crawled up your ass" "nothing I'm just tires of how you treat these girls how you just hit it and quit it" I said looking at him he had a sad look and looked down then looked up " I know I feel bad about how I treat them to but I'm to schools captain on the basketball team i just dont want a bad reputation" "Jack so am I and you see I have not treated any girls like you have and I have a pretty good reputation" I said looking at him "yea your right thanks man" he said smiling and we bro hugged then Jack and I left the locker room to go to our next class I wonder if I have my next class with Chloe. I had biology next and we had partners but I don't have one so I was by myself when I walked into my biology class I saw Chloe sitting at my station and my day keeps getting better and better. I went over and sat next to her and she looked up from her phone and it looked like she was on vine she looked up and she smiled and so did I "Hey" she said "Hi" I said back "well so far we have three classes together" she said with a little laugh that was so cute "yea we do hoply we have our last classes together" "what's your last classes" "history and health" she started laughing I looked at her confused then she said "those are my last classes too." Her laugh died down but she was still had a smile on her face. We just sat there and talked because we really wasn't doing anything in there.
The bell rung and me and Chloe were going to history we got to history and that class went by fast and so did health so the bell rang for school to he over and I walked Chloe to her locker and we just laughed and talked it was like we have known each other forever. I was out talking to Chloe before she left and we had swapped number so we could talk while we weren't in school Chloe said she had to go cause she had to get ready cause she was meeting her neighbors. I walked to my car and then someone pulled my shoulder I turned around and saw Ashley "What the fuck you stupid bitch?" "Back the fuck off Sammy I saw her first she's gonna be with my group not yours" "look here I don't think she would be better In your group of sluts she's probably better off with my group then yours" I said angrily cause I really don't want Chloe becoming one of them she just stormed off angry I turned back around and walked to my car again I got in my car and went my way off to my house when I got home my mom told me when I got in the door "SAMMY" "Yes mom" "get something Nice on" "why?" "Just get something Nice on" "ok ok calm down" I ran up to my room and got something I thought looked nice them my mom called for me to come down to meet someone I walked downstairs and saw her..........

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