Dad's drinking again

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(D/n)'s Pov
It was late night and I was drinking again and watching the tv. it was talking about the relationship between humans and furries and showed some couple who had a stable relationship. it was bullshit, furs are nothing, there animals on steroids.but that doesn't matter because i had borrowed form some mixed gang of furries and some punk kids who think there hot shit.
I was going to gamble it to win the big prize, but I got some bad hands and...I lost it all.
But that don't matter because I'm going to win the next time,you got to lose to win big.
Everything was going fine until a hard knocking on the door and someone shouting my name.


(Y/n) Pov
I was I'm my room playing with my stuffed animals. They were a Shark and a bear

 They were a Shark and a bear

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that my mom bought for me I miss her some times

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that my mom bought for me I miss her some times. She said that she was going to buy some groceries and didn't came back and ever since then my dad had been drinking his angry juice and watching the tv while yelling that humans and big animal people couldn't be together. Suddenly I was hearing muffled yelling coming out of my room.

???!!! You piece of......

Dad:I don't have to answer you f.......animals and you traitors, you are a...........who should been shot.

And the I heard stuff was crashing, I think my dad was fighting with the people who he asked some money from. I heard one of them say that ther going to take something from him till he brings back ther money triple.

3rd person Pov

The gang had beaten y/n dad and they were searching for something of value, when one of the gang members saw a picture of y/n on the wall he went and spoke to his boss.

???:boss looks like this deadbeat has a kid

Boss:well,well, well looks like we found something important.

Dad:don't you dare touch my son you fur fuck.
The zebra boss turn to one of his human henchman, a 19 year old in a skull mask.

Zebra:shut him up while I go and get the kid, and make sure he stays down.

When he left to get his son, the 19 year old was kicking and pummeling y/n dad to the ground.

Zebra Pov

I can't believe this piece of shit has kid. Well it doesn't matter he owns us a fuck ton
Money. When I reach the kids door it was locked so I kicked it open, but the kid wasn't anywhere and his window was open I was about to go and look out it when I heard a small yelpe, it came from under the bed.
I had biggest grin on my face.

Y/n Pov

I heard what my dad yelled to them and I was scared so I went and opened the window, to make them believe I had runaway but I actually hide under my bed.
When I was hiding I heard my door breaking and I was scared and couldn't move, I heard foot steps going towards my window when something bit my leg, I accidentally let out a small yelpe and the foot steps stopped I was really scared and didn't know what to do.
I heard a ruffle noise.

???:kid I know that you're are under the bed, come out.

I didn't, because now I was too sacred to do anything.

???:if you don't come out now, I'm going to cut your stuffed animal toys.

I didn't want him to do that so I came out of under the bed.

Zebra Pov

It worked, the kid came crawling out of the bed. And he looked at me scared.

Well since you decided to listen, I'm not going to cut your toys. I said.

I picked up his toys and went towards him and picked him up to he was so light compared to furries kids. When I came back to the living room the new kid had punched and kicked the shit out of the kids dad but didn't kill him.

Good job guys, now come on let's go back to the boss place before the cops get here. I said.

We left and we were heading towards our place.

Time Skip

(D/n) Pov

When woke up Every Thing Hurt and I couldn't move without feeling that I was about to die.
A couple hours later I pach my self up. I had broken nose and a black eye. And everywhere blow my neck had bruises.  Those Animals and their Fucking Traitors  Punks had Taken my son.

I can't believe I'm doing this but I don't have a choice I have to call him, I have too
My Brother..... Mark

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