End Of The Line

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( 3rd person Pov )

A lot has happened Ever since young y/n was taken from the Akulova's. 6 months had passed and each of the family members had experienced different emotions.

Nika was..... well how too put this.... not the same. The strong shark was now dealing with her dysfunctional family and was doing everything that she could to keep the family intact, But it had taken a toll on her and she wasn't sure what to do next, so finally after years of no contract with her family she decided too call her father too ask for advice, something that she never wanted too do, Her father was..... a mercenary, something that she was ashamed of. Both of them had argued about it for long but at the end it led to Nika running away from home, and she met Dasha, Nika was on the phone when the call was finally picked up by her father.

Nika: Hi......dad.... (she said that with a hint of guilt).

Nikita: Hi sweetie, it's been soo long since we spoke (he said with joy in his voice).

Nika: um... I don't know how to say this but..... can I get some advice from........ you.....? On how....too...help..... family arguments? ( she said with fear).

Nikita: sure, anything for you sweetie ( he said with confidence in his voice)

Nika was shocked, she expected him too flat out say she can go too hell. She began explaining what had happened Ever since she left, form the day she met Dasha too the day when y/n was kidnapped. She broke down several times during the conversation but her father reassured her. He said that stuff of this caliber shouldn't be discussed on phone because of its subject, he said that he and her mother will come to her home to speak about it in person. Nika tired too object but after thinking about she agreed and they set up a date when they arrive.

Dasha......well.....was at the lowest. Ever since y/n was kidnapped she.....picked up one of her bad habits back. Drinking. Before she left the army she was an alcoholic, she couldn't forget about the things she saw and did with her mom. And it didn't help when the rest of the family tried too help her, she would lash out, She cried her self too sleep because she couldn't take the guilt of losing another child anymore.

Anna and Sofiya were....how too put this to gather.... holding. After the competition a lot of sponsors were calling them to promote their business and products. But due too the situation at home they refused but it didn't stop them. Anna was at the gym constantly, she put all of her frustration in working out and let say, the gyms punching bag was...... unrecognizable. Sofiya on the other had was searching the internet contend to find y/n. She did what ever she could, make online search partys, promising onlyfans subscribers a date with her, hell she was even willing too kill just about so that she could get a glimpse of info on y/n.

And lastly Nataliya, she knew who did it. She knew whom had taken her grandson away from her. It was that bastard, the one who burned the village, the one who killed so... so many innocent people. The one who had killed her friends and driven her daughter to her bad habits. She knew exactly what too do with him, when she got her hands on him. But she didn't know where he was, and it was driving her insane. Her daughter......sometimes would weep and would lash out. She would do anything that she could too help her but....sometimes that..... wasn't enough.

The Akulova's household wasn't the same anymore. But the same thing couldn't be said about Mark.

Mark was at the top at the world. He had his nephew with him, he got rid of his brother that was nothing too him but trouble, and he had built a luxurious hotel/casino. It was in northern France, Channel Islands, burhou. He had bought the small island a long time ago and was building it before y/n was kidnapped. A month later when he had taken y/n back the hotel was finished. Originally he wanted to build it in the U.A.E but changed his mind because of the location problems.

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