Chapter 2: Park Date!!!!!

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                                         ****************Caitlin's Thoughts*******************

             So i get to the park and see Phil sitting on a park bench. He looks really cute. WAIT WHAT DID YOU JUST THINK BRAIN!!!!?????!??!?!?!??!?!?!? I AM IN LOVE WITH DAN NOT PHIL. PHIL HAS BEEN MY BEST FRIEND SINCE 3RD GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T DATE HIM EVEN IF I WANTED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But Caitlin he is so cute i mean look at his eyes. It looks like you're swimming in grass. yeah I guess you'reright brain. But if I break up with Dan,then Phil will hate me because I broke his best friend's heart. Phil looks up from his iPhone and looks at me. oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap ACT NATURAL. I smile and head over to him.

                                                               ~Caitlin's POV~

"Hey Phil"

"Hi Caitlin"

"So what is this SUPER IMPORTANT thing you have to tell me?" I ask Phil

"Well you said you had something you wanted to say to me...soooo...what is it."

"Well you know your roommate Dan.........welll......ummmmmm........we.....are...kind of .........just now.' I say with a smile I notice that his smile turned into a frown.

" two..........are doing what....?"

"Dating...We are dating you know like couples."

"oh....well....ok...." He looked even sadder now, if that was possible.

"So what was your  BIG news that you were going to tell me?"

"Urmmm.......its not important now."

'WELL WHAT IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was only allowed to tell ONE person about me and Dan and I choose you Phil. SO TELL MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Well I kind of would have figured out about you and Dan because well....he is my roommate."

"OK JUST TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I say getting kind of annoyed.

" see....ever......since......we were in 3rd grade I have ummmmm...........welll.........just..............kind of...................... urrrrrmmmm.... liked you... a-as more then just a friend. You know like like-liked you. But I see that you are dating Dan and you love him and junk. But when I look at you my brain goes all stupid I just wanna hug you and sit on the couch and play minecraft."

"Well you see that whole me and Dan dating thing....Well it was a prank that we decided to pull on you but DON'T tell him that or he will be mad that I told you so whenever i'm around him we have to act like we are dating but we really are'nt. The prank will be over soon. Just whatever you do DO NOT TELL DAN THAT I TOLD YOU THAT THIS IS A PRANK."

"So does that mean that you will....."

"YES!!!!!" I say with a big smile and I hug him.

"GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I MUST TELL DAN ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait... I can't.....because of the prank....oh well when this all blows over then I will tell him about me and you."

"Do you want to go on a walk my darling?" I ask Phil

''Yes that would be splendiffierious My love."

So the two of us walk off hand in hand talking non-stop about who knows what.                

                                                     **************Phil's Thoughts************

        I can't BELIEVE she said yes!!!!!!!!!!! OH HAPPY DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im SO in L-O-V-E. NOTHING in the world could RUIN this moment for me now!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE IS HOLDING MY HAND!!!!!!!!! I HAVE DREAMT OF THIS MOMENT SINCE THE 3RD GRADE AND NOW IM IN COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!! WOW I'M OLD!!!!!!!!!!! AND IN L-O-V-E WITH CAITLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                ********Caitlin's Thoughts*************

             WHY DID I SAY YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WHY DID I MAKE UP THAT STORY ABOUT THE 'PRANK' EUUURURURURURGHGHGHGHGH WHY BRAIN WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T TELL HIM YEAH I HAVE ANOTHER BOYFRIEND WHO HAPPENS TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND AND ROOMMATE. EEEUUUURRGHGHGHGHGH THAT'S JUST MEAN AND WRONG BUT IT'S TRUE!!!!!  WHY MUST IT BE TRUE, WHY DID I DO IT!!!! I look up into his grass green eyes and think oh that's why his GAWGEOUS green eyes and cute black fringe hair cut. That's why.  

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