6. In sickness and Health

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"Out of all the rooms in the bunker, you chose the library table to sprawl down" I looked up to Sam moose Winchester walking into the library calling out to me.

I was laying down on the library table holding a book tight to my chest looking at the ceiling with tear-stained eyes.

I scooted over a little and patted the place next to me wondering if that big figure would fit on it Sam jumped on and laid down next to me poor table I thought to myself. 

"have you been crying?" Sam asked noticing my eyes, earning a nod from me.

"Okay what happened ?" he continued "Augustus died" I whined tightening the hold on the book in my hand that Sam gifted me a few weeks ago for my birthday.

 Sam chuckled and continued "JT are you serious?, you're crying your eyes out over the death of a fictional character, I mean you cannot fall head over heels for a guy who doesn't even exist" I just gasped at his statement.

 "you take that back" I warned him.

 "Okay okay, but all I am saying is you are fangirling too hard and it's not like you read this for the first time" Sam tried to reason with me 

"but still it hurts" I replied snuggling into his embrace.

"Umm, how about I make you Hot-Coco"Sam looked at me to which I nodded happily in return 

"See, this is why you are my favorite Winchester " 

"Yeah, Whatever you say"Sam kissed my forehead.

The sound of a heavy cough got our attention and we both get on our feet to find a hoodied Dean Winchester standing near the entrance. It is a sight.

 "Get a room you two," He said in a hoarse voice that sounded sexier to me??! added to the fact that he had puffy eyes and a rosier nose, 'God Sam was right I should control my inner fangirl' I thought to myself mentally slapping myself.

"Dude, are you getting sick ?" Sam questioned his older brother which is obvious 

"No I am not "Dean replied clearly avoiding the fact and settling on the chair to drink a beer in his hand

 "yes you are, " I said sternly grabbing the beer from his hand and earning a glare in return. 

"You haven't been sick in what ages, How did this happen?" Sam asked him

 "Oh, I don't know maybe because after ignoring my suggestion for the 1000th time, you two played in the rain last week dragging me in the middle of it " Dean retorted.

"I told you to get dry before bed," I said sheepishly in my defense Dean just gave me a 'seriously' look topped with another rough cough. I felt bad for him. To say it's kind of my fault that he is sick right now.

"Okay then I think I have to handle this case alone you should take some rest Dean" the younger Winchester stated.

 "you found us a hunt ?" I enquired

 "yeah, Ellen called. She and Jo found a case nearby and they need our help. That is what I was gonna talk to you about earlier but seems like you too have to stay behind somebody needs to take care of Dean," Sam said 

"I can take care of myself, I am not four Sam" Dean retorted 

"Well guess what. you don't need to Dean, that is what we are here for, right JT? sam raised his brows at me hoping I would back him up. I nodded in agreement don't know what else to say.

 "Fine, I'll be in my room" Dean left leaving Sam and a confused me behind.

" What?" he asked at my puzzled reaction 

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