Died Enough For You - Niko (hurt, sfw)

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Niko was sitting on the floor, his head resting on his knees and his back strongly pressed up against the cold concrete wall of his homely furnished apartment.

His brown long hair that was hanging in his face in messy strands blocked the man's view once he slowly dared to lift his head from his knees. He didn't remove them at first, too harrongly was the image of what he knew his eyes would catch sight of once he found the courage to do so.

Niko slowly leaned his head back against the cold wall while his arms were desperately searching for some support on the floor to not collapse back into a fetal position.

A painful short noise escaped Niko's lips when he felt something digging, more likely cutting, into the palm of his right hand. The brown-haired one looked down and immeadiately spotted the culprit that was causing a sharp pain in his hand. A piece of broken glass had pierced it's way into his skin and now that Niko saw that blood started to run down his hand in streaks, the pain radiated from his palm up through his whole entire arm.

Just for a moment he thought about removing the foreign object but then Niko was confronted with the sight he so desperately tried to avoid when his eyes slowly wandered upwards. His view suddenly stopped shifting at the sight of his half-destroyed apartment.

Splinters of woods were spreaded everywhere on the floor, the remains of a broken chair that somehow ended up in a totally different room. Niko couldn't even remember how it got there. Almost every single one of the pictures he once had framed so neatly to hang them up on his wall had been ripped apart until the persons they once had depicted were beyond recognition. The frames had been violently thrown onto the wooden floor, shattered into tiny little pieces on impact.

Niko tried to get himself to lift his body from the ground to clean up the mess, the irreversible devastation that had taken place but he just couldn't.

The remains of a huge fight were the only thing she had left him with once she stormed out of his apartment in rage, tears running down her face as she yelled a few last spiteful words at him. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.

It would have been the last time Niko saw her face. She had been the one he once thought would be sleeping peacefully next to him every morning he woke up. She had been the one he once thought he could spend the rest of his life with.

But as much as Niko had been trying to hold onto this last ray of hope everytime they fought, this time he couldn't. He just couldn't.

Once the words that could not be unspoken left his lips, once he had ended their relationship, all the sadness and longing that he had felt for such a long time turned into the realest feelings of all. Pure hate.

Niko was done sacrificing himself for that woman, he was done with their relationship. The man with the brown long hair went through hell, trying to pull this person out of their self-created misery. It was only now that he realized that if someone was in their self-destructive state nobody could help them but themselves. They had to want to be helped. But she just would't let him.

Niko wasn't someone who gave up on someone easily but he was in a relationship with a person that not only kept hurting themselves but also everyone around them and at one point he had to legitimately distance himself from that person, even if that meant they ultimately fell apart.

He couldn't bear to get caught up in all that negativity. He couldn't bear to let this woman drag him down with her anymore.

He was done killing himself for someone else that was killing themselves.

This time the brown-haired one drew a line, and this time he would never cross that line again. Under no circumstances. He drew the line once his bandmates became worried when Niko appeared in the studio with dark circles under his eyes and a hoarse voice every now and then, until it became commonness. His friends noticed that his relationship was draining Niko of every single bit of energy, every single bit of vitality he had left. They often fought because the vocalist's mental and physical state did not only affect him, the others were affected by it too.

It had been a long time since they had last seen the brown-haired one laugh or even smile genuinely. For a few months now their friendship had been put to the test as the tensed athmosphere between Niko and the rest of the band increased with every day the brown-haired one was shutting down more and more.

Niko couldn't even count the amount of times anymore the boys had strongly advised him to end things with that woman because they knew how much he was suffering, even if he tried to hide it from them. As hard as he could.

But at that time the vocalist still had hope. He believed that if he would just put in more effort, if he would just keep clinging himself to that last straw of hope, everything would turn out fine one day, he just had to have patience.

Well now he knew he had been mistaken. Now he knew that sometimes love just wasn't enough.

Just because he was in love with someone that wasn't in love with themselves, didn't mean that he had to destroy his own life too.

Niko had to do what was best for him. He had to step back, be the responsible one that tempted to help that woman in a different kind of way by letting her down.

He wasn't a quitter, everyone knew that but Niko was done killing himself for her. Over and over again.

Now that he got out before it was too late, he was ready to start living again. Even if Niko knew that the sadness that turned into hate would have a place in his heart for a very long time, he could finally think somewhat positively again.

The brown-haired one opened his eyes, reaching for the piece of broken glass that was still stuck in his palm. At this point he didn't even feel the foreign object piercing into his skin anymore. With a quick motion he ripped the piece of broken glass out of his hand. Dark red streaks of blood were reappearing and pain started to spread out in his arm again. But this would be the last time that woman would cause him pain.

"I've died enough for you." These words that left his lips were the last words he would dedicate to her.

Author's note:
Hey everyone.

After I finished my last story a few days ago I really wanted to continue writing so I collected some ideas for oneshots and imagines that I am going to put out.

If you have any wishes or requests for oneshots you can gladly comment them, also let me know what you think.

Since I am a little busy right now with university and exams I still don't know when I can get back to work on a new actual story. But since a lot of you requested one about Joonas I am working on my ideas for that one already. :)

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