Part 1

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In Minho's Men's Car No ones POV
"Ok he should be walking up any time soon" The leader of the group said."Look boss here he comes now" The look out said."Ok boys you know what to do. Let's make boss proud" One of the other men say. After that they open the van's side door and surrounded the squirrel like boy.
Jisungs POV
Right now I was walking home from my shift at work. It was about 8:30pm so it was dark. I decided to put my ear buds in and listen to some music while walking home. I was listening to 'What is love' by Twice of course. As I was humming along to the song I suddenly felt like I was surrounded. So I looked up and saw a bunch of men is black suits around me. I heard one say "Get him" after that I felt myself getting picked up and thrown into a all black van.  "Yah!Let me go you jerks!" I yelled but it was no use. One of the men tied my hands with rope and covered my mouth with tape. I kept moving and trying to break free but it was no use. The ropes on my wrist we're getting tighter as I was moving my hands. The tightness of the ropes made me whimper. I might or might not have a kink for getting tied up but that's not important right now. What's important is that I have to get out of here.
Time skip
After about 30 minutes of being in this van it finally came to a stop. "Now we're here and if you make the slightest noise I'll shoot you. Got it?" One of the men said to me while pulling out a gun. I immediately nodded my head,tears building up in my eyes threatening to fall. Another man then grabbed me by my arm and pulled me out of the van. While the other had a gun to my side. They then walked me to the front of this big mansion. "Wow why did they bring me here?" I thought. To be honest I thought they were going to bring me to this abandoned shed or something but I guess I was wrong. We then entered the house and I was astounded. The house was beautiful. Then one of the men called out "Boss we got him!" He yelled right in my ear. Which made me flinch and whimper. Then i remembered what one of the men said to me earlier. The man with the gun looked at me and I immediately said "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't m-mean too-" I stuttered out trying to apologize but I was cut of by one of the men yelling at me. "Shut up would you! No one cares your sorry!" After he said that my tears started to fall. "Ugh really look what you did. You made him cry. Boss is gonna-"
One man started but stopped talking after hearing someone clear their throat. Everyone in the room went quiet. I then looked up to see a very I mean very handsome man sitting on the couch. He then got up and walked in-front of all the men. "Now I'm gonna say this and only once." He started. "Get your hands of him right this second and give me your guns now!" The man yelled which made me flinch and made all the men get away from me. And the man that had his gun aimed at me gave him his gun. Now I was just standing there shaking with my hands tied and the tape on my mouth falling off from how much I was sweating. The attractive man walked up to me and took of the tape gently to my surprise. He looked at my hands and noticed that they were bleeding from how tight the rope was. His face turned angry. He then looked towards his men and asked "Who was the one that put the rope on my baby's hands" His baby? What? I was confused but my thoughts were interrupted by sudden yelling. Which made me flinch and fall onto my knees and start shaking more than I was. I started hyper ventilating and crying. The attractive man looked down at me with worried eyes and crouched down to my level and said "Hey shhh it's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you. And I'm sorry for yelling ok?" He said in a gentle tone. I looked at him with sad eyes and just nodded. "Ok good" he said with a smile that made me some how. "Here come on" he said while standing up and picked me up and brought me to the couch. He sat me down and asked one of his maids to get some ear phones. I was kinda confused as to why I needed them but I didn't question it. Once he got them he said to me "I'm gonna put these on you ok? And close your eyes in till I say so ok?" I just nodded. He then smiled and patted me on the head. I closed my eyes.
Minho's POV
I was so mad. Why? Because my stupid men hurt what's mine. And no one hurts what's mine. "So let me ask again. WHO PUT THE ROPE ON HIS HANDS HUH?!" I yelled. But none of them answered. "Mmm you don't want to answer? Ok then" I shot the gun at one of my men's foot. He fell on the ground and started crying in pain. "So are any of you gonna answer me now?!" I yelled at them. "J-juyeon did it s-sir" One of my men said. "Juyeon step forward." I ordered. So he did and I didn't give him a chance to say anything I just shot him with no hesitation. "You know what I never liked any of you anyway" So I shot the rest of them. After that I looked over at the squirrel like boy on my couch and saw him with his eyes still closed. Ahh he's such a goodboy. I thought. I then told my maids to clean up the bodies and the blood. After that I went over to my baby. I tapped him on the shoulder but he flinched and opened his eyes. "Hey hey it's ok. It's just me" I said calmly. He then calmed down and took off the ear phones. "Um c-can you e-explain to m-me why I-I here?" He said while stuttering. Which made me sad because he's scared of me. I mean I get why. "Yes I can do that for you when we go upstairs ok?" He just nodded and looked behind me. His face turned into fear. "Don't look over there. They deserved it. They hurt what was mine so they get hurt" I told him. "But I'm not yours! I'm not gonna be put back into trafficking again!" He yelled. "Wait what do you mean again" I asked anger evident in my voice. Which he heard because he backed up  more on the couch to get away from me. "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Trust me I'm not gonna hurt you. And I'm not gonna put you in trafficking ok?" I say in a gentle manner. He then looked more calm and nodded. "Now let's go upstairs and get you settled ok?" "Wait what do you mean settled?" He asked. "Well your staying with me from now on silly" I laughed a little. "What why? What about my stuff and what about school or what about wo-" He started to ramble. "Don't worry about any of that. I already sent some people to get your stuff. It will be coming tomorrow. And work? You don't have to anymore. And your school? You can choose to go to the school you used to before or go to a new one. Or you don't have to go up to you." I explained. All he did was sit there and look at me. "What?" I asked. "I'm just so confused. Like who are you? And how do you know so much about me?" He asked curiously. "I already told you I will tell you when we go upstairs now come on" I say while walking away. He then gets up and started following me.
No ones POV
The two went upstairs and Minho opened his bedroom door for Jisung. They both sit on the bed. Which was a king sized bed. Jisung was looking around the room and was so surprised at how big the room was. "Wow your room is so big!" Jisung exclaimed cutely. Which made Minho smile. "I'm glad you like it. But you mean our room." Minho said with a smile on his face. Jisung looked at him confused. "Our room?" "Yup our room" Minho said. "I'll give you a tour of the house later. But now don't you wanna know why your here. And who I am?" Minho said asking the squirrel like boy.  "Oh yeah I almost forgot" Jisung said while laughing. That laugh. Minho loved the boys laugh so much to the point he felt like he was melting. "Haha ok let's start with your first question" Minho said. "Mmm ok so why am I here?" Jisung asked. "Your here because I wanted you here" Minho replied. "Ummm ok. Second question, how do you know basically everything about me?" Jisung asked his second question. "Well it was about 2 months ago when I was out and about and saw you working at a coffee shop. And I was determined to get you into my hands. So.." Minho trailed off. "So?" Said Jisung. "So, I had some of my men follow you for those 2 months and figure out where you lived, who your parents were,who your friends are,and all your hobbies and interests." Minho said with a big smile on his face. While Jisung just sat there in shock.
So Minho waved his hand in front of his face. "Hello? Earth to Jisung?" Minho said. Finally Jisung came to his senses. "What? Oh right yeah sorry I was just surprised" He said with an awkward laugh. "Haha it's fine. I can see why you would be" Minho said understanding. "Ok third and last question. Who are you and what do you do?" Jisung asked. "You do relise that's 2 questions right?" Minho said. "On shut up and answer me" Jisung said with sass. "Mmm I don't think I will with that attitude baby boy " Minho said and Jisung could sense the pure dominance in his voice. And it made Jisung's pants tighten a little. But he ignored it. "So are you gonna ask me again with a better tone baby boy?" Minho asked with a smirk after seeing his affect on the younger. Jisung nodded. "C-can you a-answer my questions p-please?" Jisung stuttered as he looked away. "Mmm? What was that. I couldn't hear you." Minho said as he made Jisung look at him. Jisung whimpered at the rough touch. While Minho was smirking. "Well?" Minho teased. "Can you answer my questions please!" Jisung said a little bit louder and looked away while blushing. "That's better. And yes I can" Minho finally started to answer the questions. "So I'm Lee Minho, the most powerful mafia in all of South Korea" Minho started. "And what I do? Well you probably already know that" He laughed. While Jisung just looked at him. Everything made sense now. "Your not scared are you?" Minho asked carefully. "What no. You already said you aren't going to hurt me. And some how I feel safe with you" Jisung said shyly. "Well that's good" Minho said with a smile. "Now should we fix your problem you have down there mmm?" Minho said with a smirk.
Ahhhh I actually like this.
I'll probably update on Monday since the chapters are going to be a lot longer than the ones I usually write:)

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