Part 6

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Minho's POV
As me and my gang were getting our stuff together so we can raid the MX gang once in for all I got a text message from a unknown number. My heart dropped as I saw what it was. It was Jisung tied down to a bed with his mouth gagged and crying. Then another text came through. It said, I've got your little boy Minho. And I'm gonna do plenty of things with him. If you ever want to see him again, give up being the leader of MM gang to me.

As I was reading the texts I didn't realize I was crying. "Hyung what's wrong?" Seungmin asked while looking at Minho's phone and back at Chan with his eyes wide. "Ok people change of plans. Send teams 3&4 to the MX gang's base. Team 1 & 2 your working with me." I ordered and everyone nodded. Teams 3&4 then left and I called over team 1. "What's up Hyung?" Hyunjin asked concerned and confused because of the change of plans. "Jisung has been kidnapped. And I'm pretty sure I know who it is." I took a pause before continuing. "It's the leader of MX gang, Kim Dong Hyun." I said with a serious tone. I saw that all the team looked shocked and surprised. "Now Seungmin see if you can trace the phone  who texted me. Changbin and Hyunjin go get the weapons ready. And Chan your with me and we're gonna figure out a plan to get this bastard." I said and everyone immediately went to work.

After sometime Seungmin found the location of the phone that was used. "Boss I found the location of the phone." "Ok where is it" I asked. "It's about a 30 minute drive away boss." Seungmin replied. "Ok people get geared up let's go!" I yelled and they immediately obeyed me. We all got into the car and drove to the location.
Meanwhile at the Location
Jisung POV
After he did 'that' to me I felt numb. The fact that I couldn't do anything to get myself out makes me feel worthless. And that I should just die and that I don't deserve to be here on this earth. I just feel so tired, so I was about to close my eyes and sleep because the man hasn't come back for about 30 minutes so might as well. Then I realized I didn't even ask for his name. Then I started to think about what his name is. And I couldn't stop thinking about it. But I just pushed the thought away and tried to sleep. But of course I hear the door open and foot steps coming towards me, so I look up to see him. "Hey baby. Miss me?" He said teasingly. I just rolled my eyes and said "you wish." He just laughed and came closer to my face. "You better stop that attitude because I make you" He said with a serious expression. "Oooo I'm so scared. What are you gonna do to stop me huh?" I said with the same attitude I had before. He then smiled at me and pulled out a pocket knife and put it up to my mouth. "I'll cut your tongue out." My eyes widened and tears started to brim in my eyes. "Hmmm that's what I thought." Then he put the knife back in his pocket.  He walked to the mini table that was in the room and pulled a chair next to the bed. He then untied the ropes on my ankles which made me wince. When he heard me in pain he looked at me with worried eyes which made me confused. What made me surprised was that he started rubbing soothing circles on my ankles to ease the pain. "Does that feel better?" He asked in a soft tone and I just nodded. He was definitely confusing me. Then he went up to my wrist's and undid the rope and one of the hand cuffs. He also rubbed soothing circles on my wrist and asked me if I was ok. I was confused. But I had this feeling he was doing this to mess with me...
Back to Minho and his gang
No ones POV
The gang finally pulled up to the location and split into groups to surround the house. One group went around back,one took out the guards in the front, and the others went inside. While Seungmin stayed in the car just in case someone tried to damage or take the car. And he had access to the cameras so he helped the guys in the house and told them where the guards were in the house. After checking all the rooms in the first floor and taking out all the guards and maids they went upstairs. "Boss their in this room. I see two heat signatures in here." Hyunjin says to Minho. "Ok guys you know the plan. Hyunjin and Changbin you keep watch. And Chan your with me." Minho restates the plan and the 3 nodded and got in position. Minho then knocked down the door and immediately ran to his enemy. He saw that he was gonna pull a gun out so he shot him in the leg. He then took the gun and gave it to Chan. "Well long time no see Lee know." The guy under him said with a playful smirk on his face. Minho then started choking him and put his gun against his head. "Yeah long time no see Dong Hyun." Minho then clocked the gun and said, "Now this is what you get for messing with my baby" After he finished his sentence he pulled the trigger and Dong Hyun laid lifeless under Minho. He then got up and ran to Jisung and hugged him. "Oh baby are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Minho started asking so many questions. "Babe I'm fine he just.... You know what he did..." Jisung said while looking at the hand cuffs that were still on his wrist. Minho immediately got the hint and took them off and rubbed his wrist. He then picked Jisung up and carried him out of the house and into the car. Minho wouldn't let Jisung go. He kept him on his lap and kept on hugging and kissing him. I mean Jisung didn't have any problem with it because he missed him so much. "I thought I would never see you again Hyungie" Jisung said in a whisper in Minho's ear while tearing up. "Hey look at me. It's ok now your with me now. And that will never change." Minho said while looking into his eyes. Jisung just nodded and nuzzled his head back into Minho's chest. He then fell asleep. Minho cooed and grabbed a blanket and put it over him. Then he said, "I love you. And I won't let anyone touch you again....."

Wow I never would've thought I could finish a really good book and get like 100 reads. I mean yes I know 100 isn't that much but to me it's a good start:)

So thank you for reading and supporting me. And look forward to more books:)))

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