4- What's different?

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The satin sheets feel foreign under my skin as I wake. I don't know what is different but since leaving work it's like my beast is sitting just beneath my skin wanting to push forward. A feeling akin to the threat of sunburn against my skin.

There was something lingering in the lobby, something hard to explain. Not really a scent, more a lingering aura, a shadow of something that had been there. Whatever it was roused something in the demon within me.

It's not behaviour I'm used to from my demon. It's usually passive by its very nature. In all my incarnations it has never been so alert as it is today. Sometimes I wish my demon had a voice to explain its urges, instead I just get a confusing rush of feelings or desires that I have to translate for myself. This is one of those rare occasions when I'm finding myself stumped.

My demon usually only seeks control when I visit my homeland, or if it is growing impatient which hasn't really happened since the internet was created.

Even then it was different. Then it was an impulsive need to be satiated this, this feels like a desire to hunt.

I leave my room still in my shorts and head for the kitchen switching on the coffee machine before heading to my home gym hoping to burn off some of this new found energy.

I hop on the treadmill gradually increasing the speed relishing in the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest, the sweat running in rivulets down my spine. After the treadmill I hit the weights, taking around half the weights off the bar I lay back and rapidly pump the bar until I feel a satisfying burn in my muscles.

I get up feeling the adrenaline of the work out pump through me, and head to the bathroom, flicking on my shower to warm and doing my business before stepping into the hot stream of water.

I roll my shoulders trying to diffuse the tension in my stiff muscles, stretching my neck to either side, before lathering my body in the minty shower gel. My Demon is still on edge and I'm determined to find out why.

There's a board meeting today, no doubt Sandy has another update for the systems to torment people with. Maybe the others can feel this too?

I climb out of the shower wrapping the soft towel around my waist and heading back to the kitchen to pour a coffee which I sip in my closet as i change.

Some people despise wearing a suit for work, but I find it matches this body well, I know I look good and I play to that. The way the cashmere fits to my skin draws attention making people lose focus and encourages daydreams.

I choose a royal blue suit with waistcoat and a white shirt, I forego the tie leaving the top two buttons loose. I strap my favourite Tag Hauer watch to my wrist and head for the elevator.

As usual my driver waits at the entrance to my apartment building ready to take me to the office. It's bitter with cold again but at least it has stopped raining. The car is warm inside the seat warmers keeping a steady low warmth through my body. I sit back in the comfortable spacious car, watching the buildings slowly pass by as we sit through the morning rush.

It would be faster to walk, but why would I when I can be driven?

I arrive at the office just after nine and when I enter the lobby my skin immediately prickles. The strange aura is there again. Stronger today. I sniff the air trying to trace the cause but even if it's there,the scent is diluted by the smells of perfumes and demons in the air.

I weave my way across to Amber at her desk, unable to stop my smirk as she openly checks me out. She's not usually so obvious which means Ash is probably close by feeding into her.

"What's different?" I ask. If anyone knows it will be one of the three heads of Cerberus.

"You are the second person to ask me that today" she replies furrowing her brow.

"Who?" I check.

"Ash, but there's nothing here that shouldn't be, I don't know what you are sensing" she confirms.

I skirt around the desk to the security room where I know Ash will be. Part of me is relieved that I am not the only one to feel this new presence.

"You too? Interesting…" Ash says when I enter, their eyes don't leave the security monitors "I can't see what would draw us both."

I move to stand beside him looking at the monitors in silence for a moment.

"What is it you can feel?" I ask, hoping Ash can put a name to this strange new feeling.

"An enticing, vulnerable innocence" Ash grins, turning to face me. "My Demon is drawn to it, wants to taste it, corrupt it." I frown, looking back at the monitors.

"This isn't the same thing I can sense." I tell him.

"What do you feel then?" Ash asks curiously.

"I don't know, but my demon has been on edge since yesterday. I want to hunt it down" I confess.

"Never known you to be much of a hunter" Ash comments.

"I'm not." I say simply, "come on we're going to be late for the meeting, maybe the others know what it is?" I suggest heading for the door and holding it open for Ash to follow.

We head across joining the crowd at the elevator, the feeling intensifying as we approach the crowd. Are they near? I think, scanning the crowd but I can only see the backs of heads. As all the employees jostle trying to get to the front.

As I continue looking around I notice Ash is doing the same, he inhales deeply and a little smirk appears on his lips.

Mimicking his action I smell the air, finding the usual perfume and demon scent but there is something new, something different. Inhaling again I smell something like green apples. A sweet, sour scent that makes my mouth water and my heart pound in my chest.

On instinct my hand moves to my chest, like my body is worried that my heart might actually break through my ribcage to find the source of the scent.

"Does it smell like apples to you?" I mumble to Ash.

"Not apple's no, but the effect is the same. I can feel the desire rolling off of you" Ash replies quietly as our elevator arrives.

The clacking of the mail trolley entering the elevator breaks my focus. The remaining group pushing their way into the crowded elevator.

Ash and I end up by the buttons and I just press them all. There are only eight more floors and it's a safe assumption that people will alight on each.

The doors softly close, and we start to ascend smoothly. I sigh hoping the others have some answers. Before I can voice this to Ash I see a wicked smile spread on his lips, I feel the tendrils of his power flow from his body.

Opening my mouth to warn him I can taste the scent in the air. Whoever or whatever it is, is inside this elevator.


Going to be updating 1-2 times a week for now because I'm super busy.

Apparently I couldn't wait for September to start this story...

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