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He woke up and stretched his arms over his head with a yawn. This bed really was comfortable. He got up and brushed his teeth and took a wee before he continued his morning routine, a morning smoke. He was going to take a shower after so he just threw a t-shirt on and stepped out on the balcony. It was a beautiful morning. He lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke. The first cigarette in the morning was always the best one.
"Uhm, good morning."

The sound of Harry's voice made him turn his head to look at him and his eyes grew wide. He had just taken a drag from his cigarette and started to cough.
"Jesus Harry, warn a guy will you? Good morning."

Louis's eyes flickered back to Harry again and he couldn't help but check him out. Harry was only wearing boxers for crying out loud and he looked great. Really fucking great. Some new tattoos were covering his body that he hadn't seen before.  He noticed that Harry blushed and looked away briefly but his eyes traveled back at the sight in front of him.
"Uhm, sorry, I thought you were still asleep. I'm gonna go and put something on."

"Yeah....those birds are new. When did you get them? Are you aware that one of them is smaller than the other?" Louis said and stared at Harry's chest. Did they have eyebrows too? That was a quirky detail. Birds didn't have eyebrows.

Harry blushed for the third time this morning. Louis felt bad for making him uncomfortable.
"Yeah, I know. A while ago." Harry mumbled and turned around and went back to his room.

Louis finished his cigarette and went to take a shower. He got dressed and headed out to the kitchen to find something to eat, but found Harry instead. He also freshly showered and looked great as usual. 
"Hi, Hazza. Can I help you with something?" Louis asked with a smile. Harry was too nice, always cooking them food. It looked like he was making pancakes

"Keep me company?" Harry asked.

He could absolutely do that! Louis jumped up and sat on the kitchen island. He reached for a raspberry and noticed that Harry's eyes got stuck on his lips. He decided to make a show of it. He put the berry in his mouth and made sure to lick the juice off his lips. He smirked and winked at him and Harry looked away with pink cheeks.

"How's work?" Louis asked, pretending like he didn't just flirt with one of his best pals.

"Ehm, fine. We signed a new artist this month." Harry replied.

They talked some more about Harry's job at a record label until he had made enough pancakes for all of them. Niall came into the kitchen and his face lit up.
"Pancakes? You're the best Harry! I'm starving!"

Louis rolled his eyes at the Irishman.
"You're always starving."

Liam and Zayn came walking into the kitchen and they all helped themselves to the food and sat down at the kitchen table.
"You're spoiling us, Harry." Liam said.

"I like to cook." Harry replied with a shoulder shrug.

"If you're still single next year I'm gonna marry you because of your cooking skills." Niall said with his mouth stuffed with pancakes. Louis felt an urgent need to strangle him.

"Great! We're gonna have so much sex Nialler!" Harry smirked.

Niall retched.
"Yuck! I take it back! No sex!"

"You say that now Niall but you'll change your mind as soon as I get my hands on you. I'm great in bed!" Harry joked and winked at Niall who laughed in response.

Louis inhaled sharply beside him and Harry turned to look at him. Louis's cheeks were flushed and he gave Harry a dirty look. He couldn't just say shit like that and not expect him to react. They locked eyes until Liam brought them back to reality.
"Do you wanna go sightseeing today?"

Harry tore his eyes away.
"Yeah, sounds great Li."

The other boys agreed as well and after they had cleared the table together they walked out to the car and headed to the city.

They found a parking lot and started their day at Quadrilatero d'Oro for some shopping. Harry had demanded that they had to look at Da Vincis The last supper and they had bought tickets in advance. When they sat down to eat lunch Harry had another surprise. He had managed to get them all tickets for a football game at the San Siro stadium. Louis couldn't believe it. He loved football! He let out an excited squeal and threw himself at Harry to hug him hard.
"Oh my God Harry! I can't believe it! Thank you!"

Harry put his arms around him and hugged him back.
"You're welcome, Lou."

He pulled away but he was so happy and excited that he felt like crying. Watching a football game in Italy had been a dream of his for as long as he could remember. Harry took him by surprise by caressing his cheek with his thumb briefly before he looked over at the others. What was that about?
"So, football game today. Are you all in?" Harry asked.

"Of course! Thanks, Harry." Zayn said and smiled.

"I don't think he did it for us." Niall said with a smirk and looked between them. Harry blushed and Louis wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. He had done this for all of them, not just him. Right?
"It's for all of us."

Just as he thought. Louis was just beaming. They ate their lunch and did some more sightseeing before they ate an early dinner and headed to the stadium. The teams on the field were AC Milan and Juventus FC. He was really fucking excited and he hadn't stopped smiling since lunch.

They had a great time. He was totally invested in the game. His eyes never left the field. This was amazing! He couldn't believe he got to do this, all thanks to Harry. He hadn't suggested it himself prior to their vacation, knowing that the rest of the lads wasn't as into football as he was.

After the game was finished he couldn't stop talking about it. That had been such an amazing experience. He made sure to thank Harry properly later when they were heading to bed. He hugged him close outside their rooms.
"Thank you so much for today Haz. I loved every second of it."

"We all enjoyed it. Good night Lou." Harry smiled.

"Good night."

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