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Louis took his time opening him up, enjoying every second of it. Harry's response blew his fucking mind. He took it so well.
"You're amazing Harry. So receptive." Louis grunted.

"I'm ready Lou. Please, just...need you inside." Harry panted.

Oh, fuck! He begged.
"Fuck, yeah, yeah." Louis breathed out and pulled his fingers out.

He wiped them on the sheets before he reached for the condom and tore it open. He rolled it down and coated his cock with lube, eager to get inside. He got between his legs and pressed the tip against Harry's entrance. He knew that he could be hard to take.
"I'll take it easy. Alright? You'll have to tell me if it hurts."

Harry nodded his head so he pushed inside slowly until he bottomed out, checking Harry's face the whole time to see if it was too much. Harry had his eyes close and he gasped when he stopped to give him time to adjust.
"So full...huge..."

Damn! He couldn't say things like that. His cock twitched and he took a deep breath to calm down.
"Okay?" Louis asked in concern.

"Yeah, feels good. Try and move." Harry grunted.

Louis pulled out slowly to push inside again gently. Harry moaned.
"Fuck! Again!"

Louis had to contain himself. His whole body was shaking from lust. Harry was so tight and warm. It felt amazing. He repeated the same motion and Harry opened his eyes and nodded his head. Louis picked up the pace and started to thrust faster. Harry let out small "ughs" with every thrust, and he loved that sound.
"Let me hear you." Louis panted.

He changed his angle and pounded harder. He slammed into Harry's prostate and Harry moaned out loud and reached for his cock to find release.
"No, I want you to come on my cock alone. Do you think you can do that Haz?" Louis grunted while he slammed into Harry. He was determent to make him come like this, because that was so fucking hot.

"Yeah, harder Lou!" Harry moaned.

Louis gave it all he got and Harry shouted out loud every time his bundle of nerves was jammed into. His legs started to tremble and Louis's thrust started to get sloppy.  He wouldn't be able to keep from orgasming much longer. It felt too good. His mind was blown. They were actually doing this, and it was even better than he could have ever imagined. Sex with a man was so different, equally good, but...no, who the hell was he trying to fool? This was the best sex he had ever had. His mind went blank and he could feel the orgasm arise in the pit of his stomach. He wouldn't last much longer.

Luckily Harry came first. He threw his head back and his moan was loud and long-drawn. He clenched around Louis's cock which tipped him over the edge so fast that his eyesight went white and he filled the condom with a high-pitched moan. So good. So fucking good.

He fell beside Harry, unable to keep himself up any longer. That orgasm had been insane. He hadn't come that hard since...he couldn't even recall when he came like that before. It took him some time to come back to reality. Then it hit him. He just had sex with Harry. He didn't want things to get awkward, but he also wanted to experience that again because damn!
"That was awesome! We should do that again someday soon."

"Yeah." Harry answered.

Great. Maybe this could be a thing?
"Are you okay? Are we okay?" Louis asked, just making sure.

"Yeah, that was great." Harry answered.

Louis didn't know what to do now. He hadn't really thought this through. Did he sleep here? Did he cuddle him? No, that was stupid. They were just friends and this was just sex. You didn't cuddle your best mate. The friends with benefits concept meant sex and nothing more. Harry wouldn't want him to be all clingy. He better just go.
"Good. I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night Harry. See you tomorrow."
Louis got up from the bed and collected his clothes before he left the room.

He laid down on his bed and let out a deep sigh. He felt like an asshole. This was the reason you didn't fuck your friends, the after-sex part. But he couldn't regret it either. The sex had been awesome. He just hoped that things would be back to normal between them in the morning. He got up to take a quick smoke before he returned to his bed and went to sleep.

He took a shower and a morning smoke the next morning before he got dressed and headed out to the kitchen. He was nervous about seeing Harry. The rest of the boys were getting breakfast but Harry was nowhere to be seen. He went to pour himself a bowl of cereals. A soft "good morning" made him turn his gaze towards the kitchen entrance just to find Harry walking inside, scratch that, slightly limping inside the kitchen. He couldn't help the smug smile that formed on his lips. Harry met his eyes and smirked as well. It was like they had a secret between them. Luckily the guys didn't seem to notice the condition Harry was in.
"We were just talking about going to a beach today. What do you say, Harry?" Liam asked.

"Sounds good. I'm game." Harry answered.

After they had breakfast everybody scattered to their rooms to put some swim trunks on. Louis went to knock on Harry's door just to make sure that everything was okay between them. He didn't want things to be awkward.
"Hi Haz. Can we talk for a second?"

"Yeah." Harry answered and let him in.
Louis held his gaze.
"I just wanted to make sure that we're cool?" Please say yes. Louis was nervous.

"Yeah, of course." Harry immediately replied.

He let out a breath of relief. He didn't know why he had been so nervous about it. Sex was just sex, Harry knew how to compartmentalize.

"Good. I really enjoyed last night. The sex was awesome." Louis said with glittery eyes. It sure was.

"It was." Harry agreed.

"But, like, maybe we should keep it between the two of us, yeah?" Louis continued. He didn't want the guys to butt in to his private business. Who he had sex with was none of their concern.
"I don't kiss and tell Lou. You should know that by now." Harry snorted.

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Louis said.

Harry grabbed a towel, sunscreen, and his sunglasses.

"Yeah." They walked to the living room together after Louis had picked up a towel of his own.

They got in the car again and Zayn had to stop for gas. That's when Harry realized that he had forgotten his wallet.
"It's okay Haz. I can pay for lunch. My treat." Louis smiled as soon as he brought up his dilemma. He wanted to make sure that things got back to normal, even if he wouldn't mind sleeping with Harry again. Sex with Harry was kind of addictive.

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