Part VI

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Harry leant back on his chair, which was angled in a way that meant he was practically lying down and basked in the waning sunlight. It was almost evening, and his shift was nearly finished but he knew that Florean wouldn't mind him staying out here for a bit. There weren't many customers at this time of day.

Harry thought back on Florean's words, frowning slightly. Was Tom secretly struggling with something? Was the reason for his moodiness evidence of something sinister? Harry realised, quite foolishly, that for all the breaks he had spent with the other teen in the courtyard, he really didn't know that much about the other boy.

"Say, Tom," Harry started, unsure of how to word it, "is everything alright with you?"

At Tom's sharp look, he elaborated. "What I mean is, do you need any help? Like, is everything okay at home or…"

"Potter, whatever you think you're trying to do, stop."

Harry shook his head, sitting up on the seat and became more certain that something was wrong. "No, I want you to know that I'm here if you need help or anything, you could talk to me about what's troubling you and I'll - "

"You'll what, Potter?" Tom interrupted, sneering at the Gryffindor, "Console me? Be my therapist? Don't be ridiculous – there is nothing wrong with me."

"Oh," Harry deflated, courage ebbing away, "I was just trying to help."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Tom dismissed, waving his hand in the air as if to bat Harry away.

Well, that was rubbish, Harry thought, sullenly looking down at the paving stones. He watched as an ant scuttled across, and found the sudden urge to squash it, but quickly reeled back from that thought. Florean must have been wrong, there wasn't anything off about Tom's life…he was just a prat in general. Tom Riddle didn't need an excuse to be surly, it was just in his nature to be so.

Why was Harry getting hung up over the Slytherin? His father had been right – they were pompous, stuck-up and hostile. He should have listened to Ron. Merlin, what would Ron say if he found out about this?

Not that anything had actually happened. Harry was anguishing over nothing.

Tom was the exact opposite of Harry. In every way. Well, apart from the fact that they were both devastatingly handsome. Okay, maybe Tom was a little more handsome than Harry, but not by much.

The courtyard was now flooded with a golden light as the sun creeped closer to the horizon, and the aureate hues shone in Tom's brunette hair, producing a rich honey colour. Harry sighed, resigned to admire from afar.

Well, from a few feet away but certainly from a great emotional distance. Harry was starting to feel awkward, uncomfortable with being in such close proximity to a boy who was so steadfast in ignoring him. Someone he just so happened to like.

Merlin, he was behaving like some little girl fawning over their first crush. Harry had been in plenty of relationships before, but he always ended up disinterested in the person he was dating after a while. Hermione and Ginny teased him endlessly for it, telling him that he just hadn't found 'The One'. He didn't believe in that nonsense, though, and thought it sounded ridiculous.

But that didn't explain why he was more… fluttery around Tom than he had been with the others in the past. Maybe it was because he knew there was no hope for reciprocation? Because he knew nothing would come out of it?

Tom turned to face him, and Harry thought that his heart would burst when the light caught Tom's eyes just right, letting them glow beautifully against the teen's pale skin. Harry hoped that Tom couldn't hear his racing heartbeat, but it was pounding so loudly that even Florean must hear it.

"I'd appreciate it if you left."

Harry smiled weakly, mind still racing with confused thoughts and dawning horror. Tom kept his eyes fixed on Harry as left the courtyard, and Harry still imagined that those eyes were looking at him when he said his goodbyes to Florean and collected his stuff. Merlin, he had fallen for Tom and he hadn't even realised it. He was such an idiot.

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