Part XI - Final

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"This is where you live?" Harry wrinkled his nose, inspecting Tom's room. It was small and practically empty, the wallpaper peeling and the floorboards scuffed and dirty. A scraggly wicker chair stood in the corner, the twine sticking out and the wood tarnished.

"Obviously," Tom muttered, sinking down on his mattress. He was feeling better from earlier, but his muscles still ached and he had trouble standing up. Luckily the taxi driver had just thought that he was drunk.

Harry nodded distractedly, circling the room and scrutinising the furniture.

"What, is it not up to your standards?" Tom sneered, and was surprised when Harry nodded. Not because he thought that his room would meet anyone's standards, but because he didn't think Harry would be so blunt about it.

"It's a hovel, Tom."

"Yes, well, it's not like I have anywhere else to go," Tom said bitterly, and Harry frowned.

"I suppose."

They were silent for a few seconds, Harry awkwardly standing in the middle of the room as Tom continued staring at the ceiling, paying no attention to Harry.

"I guess I'll be off then."

Tom hummed, startling when a weight sank down next to him.

"What - "

Soft lips pressed against his, stirring something in his stomach, before they left, leaving behind a sense of loss.

"See you around, Tom."

The door clicked shut and Tom raised his fingers to his lips, pressing against them, trying to imagine the warmth that had just been there. Had Harry just kissed him? Why would he do that?

He groaned, turning onto his side. He was too tired to deal with this - he'd think about it in the morning.

He was in the courtyard once again, but for the first time he had no book. He needed to talk to Harry - needed to ask him why, why had he kissed Tom?

He didn't understand - Harry hadn't shown any interest in him before!

Well, he might have done. It wasn't like Tom would know.

Nevertheless, it was completely unexpected and Tom was at a loss. Maybe it was a key step in a dark ritual? That was certainly plausible. That, Tom could understand.

Why else would Harry have kissed him? Was it just a weird way of saying goodbye?

Tom's head was hurting. He was too confused - Harry needed to come out of the parlour right now and explain this to him.

Tom didn't want to think about how he felt about the kiss. He wasn't ashamed in admitting that he'd never been kissed before, although some of his classmates had certainly tried. Tom hadn't let them get too close to him.

He'd thought it disgusting, repugnant - why would two people want to suck at each other's face? It made no sense….

And yet, Tom didn't feel repulsed by Harry's kiss. He knew that he should do, but he didn't. It had actually been sort of… nice, now he thought back on it.

(Tomarry - HP/TR) Burnt Ice Cream Where stories live. Discover now