Chapter 3

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Hello ppl from the underworld. Sorry for the late update but I have been really busy and I know that's not an excuse but my tests are coming up and if I dong get the highest mark or the top three in all the subjects then my mum will kill me.

Literally kill me. Not even joking. Then I won't be even able to write and that will make u guys sad so what's better: me updating but slowly or updating fast for a week but only a few chaps and never updating again.

Anyway, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to one of my bestest and closest friends and the most awesomest one too.Reham. She has style and swag and I'd just like to thank her for her support and for her to know that she is an amazing person and what she did today in school was just... Sweet.

Anyway but this is for you, Reham, reajai , for being one of the best supporters of my book and
For just being who you are that is one phenomenal person. So thank you!.;)

Carli's POV:

I let out a sound that was mixed between a sigh and a groan so I basically sounded like a dying walrus giving birth to a donkey.

The elderly ladies walking by gave me weirded looks as though they had just witnessed murder. I ignored as I felt my checks flame up.

Curse my genetics from my mums side of getting pale skin so I literally looked like a tomato every time I blushed.

I looked around and took in my surroundings. My 'punishment' for my 'behaviour' yesterday was to go shopping.

As you can already see I hate shopping specially for clothes so, to the devil in disguise as my best friend, that was a suitable 'punishment'.

I was currently at the Town Centre City Mall waiting for my oh-so-wonderful friend as she left me to go buy a pair of hot red heels that were 'totally' in this season.

As I was looking around at the place(haven't been here since the time of the Neanderthals), out of boredom, I noticed an elderly lady walking by struggling with her groceries.

As she dropped her bag bag with a loud 'thud' I quickly sprang to my feet to help her up and with her groceries.

But before I could even as much as blink there was another guy already helping her with it.

As I took another step to help them,I realised they were already moving towards the exit and he was already helping her with her bags.

That was when I actually got a better look at the guy and couldn't help but notice how good looking he was.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with black pants and a red and black flannel full sleeve button up shirt that was folded by the arms to the elbows.

His hair was In that just-got-out-of-bed style. It was a mess of unruly chocolate brown hair. Looking at him made me wonder why god was so unfair to us. Ie:me.

Two words.

Greek God, I was making my way down to his ab...quit perving on him. I blushed at thoughts that were occupying my mind .

I mean here I am, a socially awkward goody-two-shoes that doesn't even know the first thing when it comes to boys and a 'horrible taste in fashion' .

Hey!, I'll have you know that All Time Low is actually a pretty cool band. And that my print tee's with Star Wars are probably going to be the latest fashion in 2030.

I wasn't close enough to see his face and eyes properly but I could tell he was going to be the high school heart throb here in Westfield.

I guess I must have been lost in my thoughts too long because I was snapped back to reality by the buzzing of my phone and the familiar tune of All Time Low song alerting me of a text.

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