Part 8

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  "Well its getting late... I think its time to close up for tonight. I heard Colonel was taking the night shift." Zero brought up.

"Ok well... I guess I will see ya!" You restart to run off, but then you stop. You turn around and look at Zero in his face. "Do you want to come to my place? Its nothing special, but we could watch a movie."

  "I would love to. Let me just change." He came back in his cute hoodie. You go change and come back in your normal clothes. You take Zeros car to your apartment.

  Your kind dog greets you at the door. Zero steps back.

  "Are you scared? Its OK. Ski is actually really nice. She is a golden retriever, so she couldn't fight you if I wanted her to."

  "Sorry. Mk so what are we going to watch?"

  I want to watch a movie that makes him cling onto me, and me to him without making it seem weird. You think.

  "You about 'Up'?" You ask.

  "Awe, I love that movie!" Zero exclaims

  "Ok then! I'll go make some popcorn." You put 4 cups of popcorn in a bowl and stick it in the microwave. When its ready, you pull it out and devide the popcorn into 2 bowls. You come over to the couch and hand one to Zero.

  You turn the movie on. It goes fine at first, but then the scene where the wife dies turns on. You see Zeros face turn sad. You find yourself crying. Zero starts crying too. He gently grabs you and squeezes you.

  "Im so sorry that I chose this one. I forgot how much I cry." You apologize.

  "Nah, it's OK. I love this movie, but I'm sorry if I just randomly hug you. I guess I'm just still used to hugging iris when I'm sad."

  You hug him back. You feel so bad about that, but at least you are hugging Zero. You can feel his heart beating in his chest. His hoodie is soft and you bury your face in it.. You can smell his Cologne.

  You both keep watching the movie until the end, and find yourselves snuggling up really tight.

  "Ok. That was really nice, (Y/N) but I hafta get going. My shift starts at 7:00. See you tomorrow!" He goes off to his car and drives off for the night. You sleep on the couch, because it smelled like Zero.

The next morning you woke up to the 5:00 alarm you had set. You put on your armour and put on a tiny bit of makeup. You then feed your dog and leave the house for work.

  You get there, to see Zero.

  "Hey, (Y/N)! I am going to fully introduce you to our group." Zero takes you to a blue reploid and the one from yesterday.

  "Shit, Zero you did NOT recruit more people. I liked it when it was just me and you." Said the reploid wearing all blue.

  "*sigh* (Y/N), meet X. He is one of our head Maverick Hunters. You might have seen him on TV. And you met Axl yesterday. Before you, he was our newest recruit. Just a warning though, X may hate you."

  "I dont know why, but I saw X as a nicer person. I mean he IS a hero and all, so i would-" You started

  Zero interrupted. "We all did. Honestly meeting him is a dissapointment for most fans. He likes small children, but not tweens and teens younger than him."

  "Im Axl." Axl smiled. He shook your hand. "I heard of your power. Its not as cool as mine, but its still pretty cool!"

   You are all told to patrol the city on your motorbikes. Axl isn't old enough to drive, so he rides on the back of X's. At lunchbreak, everybody changes out of their armour into their street clothes. Axl is wearing a tee shirt that resembles his armour over jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt. X is wearing a black short-sleeved shirt under a jean jacket and khakis. Zero is still wearing that hoodie.

  You all decide to go to a nearby sandwich shop. Once you all get your food, you find a table and start eating.

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