Part 9

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After lunch, you all get back to work. You are told to go to an outdoor mall to look for a Maverick that had been stuffing humans in bags and burying them in forests. You were all told to make sure you WOULDNT get distracted. But I dont think it worked...

  You walk past a Hot Topic, and Axl wants to walk in to see if they had any new Haikyu merch. You decided to go in with him, to see if they restocked on (Favourite anime) merch. Axl comes up to you with a tee that has Shoyo Hinata on it. You give him a little nod and he runs to the cash register to make his purchase.

  A barnes and noble catches Zero's eye. He walks in empty handed, and out with a Sword Art Online manga. He quickly joins the group again.

  X finds himself walking towards an action figure shop. His eyes were locked on a Deku Nendoroid, and although it was expensive, he bought it.

  You all decide to teleport your items to your houses, and then you move on. But as you are walking past Forever 21, you see your sister walk out. You immidiately run up to her.

  "(sister's name)!" You shout.

  "(Y/N)!!" She replies. "Why are you wearing armour and following around- *gasp* NO. YOU JOINED THE MAVERICK HUNTERS??"


  "YOU ACTUALLY LISTENED TO ME!! I told you your power would be useful!"

Zero walks up. "Oh! So THIS is your sister!"

"She looks so much like you!" Axl shouted.

  X is just sitting off to the side, arms crossed, staring at your sister. Both your sister and X lock eyes and blush.

  "Ooooooh! Does X have a cruuuuuuuuush?" Axl annoyingly taunts.

  "No..." X replied. "Im just... amazed that she looks so much like (Y/N)! Although, i noticed her hair colour is slightly darker, and her eyes are pr- duller."

  "Why are you looking at him?" Axl asks.

  "Because he is a hero. I have never seen him in person before, so i was just... checking him out." Your sister answers. Axl is dissapointed. You all watch as Signas walks out of the forever 21 with a Maverick.

  "He was trying to kill his ex." Signas explained. "Somma these Mavericks are nuttier than peanutbutter. Now that you have finished, we need you to go over the the local public pool and substitute as swim teachers."

  "You need us to WHAT now??" Zero asks.

  "Their old teacher went Maverick so we need you guys to teach them that not all reploids are bad, and that it wont happen again. The kids are probably traumatized. Their parents also paid money so we have to make it up to them."

  "Lets all go home and grab our swimsuits. We will meet there at 6:00."  X decided.

  You all meet up at the pool. You look at eachother and burst out laughing. Axl is wearing blue and red swimmies, X is wearing swim trunks with little monkeys on them, and Zero is wearing red swimtrunks and a braid in his hair. You are wearing a supercute bikini and black shorts.

  The kids walk in the room. Some start crying. Some go to hug their mothers. Some leave the room. One shits his pants. Two run out of the entire building. You all sigh.

  "This is going to take a while." You say.

  Zero bends over to talk some of the kids. "Hello there! I'm Zero. I fight the not nice-" a kid punches him in the balls.

  Axl tries next. He goes over to the kid who pooped his pants. "Hey, cutie patootie! Im Axl! Im very nice-" he gets punched too.

  X goes over to a little girl and hugs her. He gets punched as well WA. That one was rightfully deserved. I mean, if a child is scared of you, you dont just pull it closer to you.

  You then walk over to a little girl who is squeezing onto her mothers leg.
"Hey! Im your substitute swim teacher, (Y/N)!"

"Are you a robot?" The little girl asks.

  "Yes." You say truthfully. "But im nice. I tell the mean guys not to do the mean stuff."

  "Will you hurt me?" She shakes

  "I would never. I only hurt mean guys."

  She walks towards you and holds out her hand, as if she wants you to hold it. She wanted to make sure that you wouldn't try to kill her. You grab it back, and she smiles. You then coax all of the other kids and laugh at Zero, X and Axl for being so bad with children. The swimming lessons then start.


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