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I park my car and get off when Boat ,Kaownah and Mild appear on my side while Boat put his arms around my neck.

"Hey Type!"

"Hm? Its too early Mild."
I warned not in the mood.

"Oh. And its too early to be so grumpy Type. Chill"
Kaownah said while laughing.

I lock my car and went straight to my class.

I went straight to my sit when I noticed Tharn and Heather is already there. Sitting on their usual seat and the two greeted us.

"Hi Type."
Heather smiled.

Type just nodded and sit on his chair.

"Its Friday guys so what's the plan?"
Kaownah ask them.

"Let's go to the bar later."
Boat suggested.

"Yes, its been so long when the last time we go to the bar"
Mild said and turned to Type.

"Right Type.?"

But Type don't budged till their prof enter the room.

After class.

"Type we have football practice at 5pm."
Mild told him after they're Prof left them.

"I can't attend a football practice I have something important to do later so I need to get home after class."
I answer them.

Tharn just sat their and listen to their conversations.

"But you can go with us to the bar later right?"
Ask Heather.

"What is the name of the bar?Maybe I can join."
Type ask Boat.

"Let's just meet at Moon bar later"
Kaownah suggested.

"You'll go with us right Tharn?"
Heather ask Tharn.

"I'll try. I got a music practice later so maybe I can join you after."
Tharn answered.

"Okay okay let's go."
Mild said and pick his bag and stood up.

They all join him except Type. After a minute he collect his laptop and notebook and put it on his bag and followed them.

They go on their separate ways. Kaownah,Boat and Mild went to the field to practice football and Tharn and Heather goes to the library.
While Type go straight to his car and get home.



"It seems like Type doesn't want me to be around you and the boys."
He told Heather. They are now in the music room practicing his drums.

"Hm. Its Type's nature. He is so reserved. He is always on a serious face when we hang out."
Heather said.

"Type likes you right?" He asked her.

"How did you know? Who told you?"
Asked Heather while smiling.

"Hm. No one. I just feel it.I'm also a man I can sense when my same gender likes a girl or he is jealous"
he said and looked at her.

"Hm. He is hitting on me for two years now but I told him to give me time to think and its been two years and he is still waiting. Sometimes I feel bad for Type for making him wait but I don't feel anything towards him but lately its seems like he was ignoring me."
Heather said to Tharn.

"Then why don't you tell him straight that you don't feel anything to him? Why are you making him wait if you can't give him the answer he want.?"
I said.

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