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“No, it’s fine.”

She finally answered him, and Kasser stared at her with narrowed eyes.

“Are you certain?” he asked.

Eugene replied with a terse nod.

“Yes, don’t banish her from this palace,” she said with more certainty, this time, ignoring the ever-prolonged stare the king was giving her.

It was clear to her that this, Marianne, was an important person to the king, and for him to refuse to grant the wish of the queen before indicated a strong connection with her.

“Am I hearing you right? You no longer wish for her disappearance?” he asked once again.

And once again Eugene nodded. “Yes.”

The room was suddenly filled with silence.

“All right, if you say so.” Kasser nodded, but never took his eyes off of her.

This made Eugene feel more uncomfortable, she wished that he would finally leave her alone, better yet, allow her to be dismissed already.

What if I make more mistakes that would make him suspicious? She thought, worried that she’d give herself away any moment now.

“It’s rude not to look at the person you’re conversing with.” Kasser pointed out with a narrowed gaze. “Look at me.” He demanded. “You’re acting like a criminal as if you’ve done something wrong.”

Gulping in trepidation, she slowly raised her head and met the king’s gaze head-on. She soon schooled her expression back to cool the indifference.

Deep inside, she was gawking at the sheer beauty the king naturally possessed. If they were back in her world, the real one she was supposed to be in, she could say without a doubt that people would pay a fortune just to look even remotely similar to him. He was that exquisite.

Now that she could see him up closer than before, his eyes seemed even more striking. The vivid blue glinted against the light in the room, shining like a crystal-clear sky.

Still, this man was a killer, her thoughts warned. Despite his outward appearance, a monster lay hidden underneath that flawless skin.

She soon shook away her wandering thoughts when she caught him sending her a smile or a smirk should she look closer. She could feel her eyes begin to narrow as she blatantly stared at him, her imaginary shackles rising, anticipating something to go wrong.

“Did you have a change of heart while I was away from the castle?” he asked, tilting his head to the side, unashamedly still looking at her.

In retaliation and not one to be pushed around, Eugene gave him the most pleasant smile she could muster despite her wildly beating heart.

She thought her chest was about to burst.

Of course, he is still Jin Anika’s husband. Any change in her, he would surely notice.

“Yes.” She replied, hoping it sounded confident. “I want to change.”

Kasser perked up, genuinely curious.

“What for?”

“I want to make a difference for good. That is all.” Eugene finished, her breathing tensing ever slightly as the blue eyes continued to scrutinize her. Examine her as if he could see what she was hiding with those sapphire orbs of his.

Indeed, the king’s eyes were somewhat different. The mere sight of him made her feel as if he could read her mind in great detail. Pull apart everything in her thoughts that make her, her.

Living as the Villainess Queen (English Translation) Where stories live. Discover now