Chapter 1

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your pov

Today is the day me, my older brother and sister go to summer camp yay. Our parents are making us go to get along with each other and so we can be outside instead of being inside doing nothing all summer. Here's the thing me and my siblings do get along we just don't want our parents to know because they will think we are hiding something or doing something bad. But here's the thing we are hiding something from them and that's me being a lesbian. Only Alex and Lexie know that i like girls. If our parents figured out i like girls they will kill me. Plus since Alex and Lexie said i can tell them anything i told them about 2 years ago. My siblings were so supportive and still are when i told them i only like girls. Alex and Lexie are twins so they do everything together but not everything but you get my point. Now we don't want to go to camp because those Sunnyvale losers are gonna be there. Yeah we live in Shadyside were everything goes to shit, everyone says it's Sarah Fier cursing Shadyside, but the curse is bullshit i mean yeah there has been a lot of killers in Shadyside but it doesn't mean it's the witch's cruse, right? Anyways time to skip to me packing my cassette tape to listen to music when we get to camp. "Y/N & LEXIE! HURRY UP WE HAVE TO LEAVE LIKE NOW! MOM & DAD ARE WAITING FOR US IN THE CAR!" Alex shouted "OK IM GOING! WHERE'S LEXIE?!" you shouted back "I'm right here hurry up" Lexie says "Ok let's go i guess" you say. You, Alex, and Lexie start putting your stuff in the car and then got in the car to leave. "Alex & Lexie keep an eye on y/n ok" your dad says before we pull up to camp night wing " We will keep an eye on her sir' Alex and Lexie say together at the same time causing you to laugh a bit "Alright kids be safe and don't do anything stupid, i'm looking at all three of you" she say's  "Yes ma'am" you , alex, and lexie say together causing the three of you to laugh.

We got to camp and got our stuff and said bye to our parents and boy do they look happy when they were dropping us off. "Let's go see where our cabins are." Alex says, we are walking trying to find someone to help us find our cabins are. There was a lot kids outside swimming, running, playing archery, and kids talking to each others friends. We found this pretty girl giving kids tee shirts saying "Shadyside" we went up to her "Hi i'm Alex, this is my twin Lexie and my little sister y/n" he say's 'Hi i'm Joan! It's nice to meet you three" the pretty girl say's "It's nice to meet you too" we say together "Here take this." Joan says "What's the shirts for?' you ask looking at your siblings confused as they both look back at you confused too "Today is the color war! Shadyside vs Sunnyvale!" Joan says i looked at my siblings giving them smirk and they smile back at me. Me, Alex, and Lexie play sports, Alex plays football, Lexie plays softball, and i play (any sport you play), we know we can beat those Sunnyvale assholes. "Do you know if you can help us find our cabins?" Lexie says to Joan "Oh yeah sure! What's your guys last name?" Joan says "y/l/n. Lexie y/l/n" "Ahh okie dokie! So you and Alex are at cabin 12 and y/n your at cabin 5 sharing with Ziggy Berman and i don't think anyone else is in that cabin." she says, "Ok thank you, Joan." Lexie say's "Yeah no problems if you have anymore questions please feel free to ask me!" she say's  walking  away "Alright y/n be nice to the Berman girl ok and don't do anything stupid like Alex" Lexie says causing you and her to laugh while Alex looked offended "Wow that's rude Lexie" Alex says while walking away to their cabin making you and Lexie laugh again "HEY ALEX WAIT UP!" Lexie shouts "UGH FINE!" Alex says being a little annoyed with her and you. "But be nice though, ok? Maybe you guys can be friends." Lexie says "Ok fine, i'll be nice" you say "HURRY UP LEXIE!" Alex yells "OK IM GOING!" Lexie yells back "You should go before Alex's starts acting like a little baby" you say laughing "Ok i will, i'll check up on you later." Lexie says laughing then kisses the top of your head "Im gonna be fine ok? I promise. Now go." you say laughing then hugging Lexie "ok" she says before she left to catch up with Alex to go to their cabin

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