Chapter 6

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Cindy pov:

I take y/n had to find a way out of here. Then I heard someone whisper my name again "Did you hear that?" I ask y/n 'Hear what?" she says "Someone whispered my name" I tell her i start freaking out "Hey, look at me. Ok? I'm right here, I won't let anything happen to you ok. I swear on my life i'll protect you tonight ok?" y/n tells me and "ok." I say softly she pulls me in for a hug then we let go and started walking "We're fine, we're fine." I said to myself "Boo!" Alice says making me and y/n gasp "Holy shit! You need to stop sneaking up on us, especially me." Y/n tells Alice "Jesus, what the hell? I told you not to follow me." I say pushing her "Yeah, I didn't." she says pushing me back "You guys went in a circle." Alice says pushing me again "Fucking circle." she says laughing, I let go of y/n hand and looked around while Alice is still laughing. Then I look at the book that's on the ground and pick it up

your pov:

Cindy picks up the book "One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four." she says "One, two, three, four." she says again spins around making me and Alice look at each other confused "What are you doing." Alice says "Four." Cindy says "This symbol, it branches off here. Four times."  she says again "Three there, one there. Just like this cave." she says pointing at the rocks "It's the same." she tells us "Sarah Fier cut off her wicked hand on Satan's stone, scarring the soil beneath with the witch's mark." she says "Scarring the soil." Cindy says again "So, what, like, the witch made this fucking place?" Alice says 'Or the settlers claimed she did. It doesn't matter." she says  "All that matters is this symbol, It's a-" she says but me nad Alice finish her sentence "It's a map." we say in unison as I walk closer to her. "So there's a way out of  here then. To get back to camp." I say "Yeah." Cindy says smiling at me. We start walking im in front of Cindy and Alice is in front of me "Alright, it branches off again here. Just stay left." Cindy tells Alice "I cannot believe this is working." Alice says "It's taking too long. He could be back at camp already." Cindy says "If you have to kill him.. could you?" Alice asks Cindy and I just look at her then she looks at me then looks at Alice "Earlier, when Mary attacked, I just.. I froze. I couldn't do anything... So, no, I.. I couldn't kill anyone, much less Tommy." she says Alice just looks at me then looks back at Cindy "Well, good news. I would happily kill him. I don't know about y/n tho." Alice says "God, even now, after everything you're.. you're still a jerk." Cindy says walking away then Alice follows her  "If he killed Alex or/and Lexie i will gladly kill him until he's last breath." I say low so no one can hear me as I start walking behind Alice "Ok, I'm sorry. I just.. I never got what you saw in him. And that was before the witch possessed him" Alice says to Cindy then she turns around and looks at us "Tommy.. *sighs* Tommy was sweet. He made me feel like everything was going to he ok. I loved him. I really did" Cindy says I just look at the ground *I knew she loved him* your mind says "But I love someone else now." Cindy says I look up from the ground and look at her  "I loved Arnie too. I loved that gross, high little shit." Alice says. Then there was a deep rumbling "DId you guys hear that?" I ask them "Yeah." they both said.

Cindy pov:

"There's this space here up ahead. All roads lead here." I say "Is there any other way around?" Alice asks. I go by y/n and hold her hand and she smiles at me and I smile back at her. We start walking and we see flies everywhere "What the hell." Y/n says as we start walking down further "Flies? What is this stuff?" Alice asks as she walks away "Its everywhere." I say squeezing Y/n hand "Cindy? Y/n?" Alice says and we turn around "What is that?" she says it starts beating "That's fucking gross." Y/n says "Let's get out of here." I say grabbing Y/n. Then Alice touches whatever it is and Y/n grabs her hand "Alice!" I say then she screams and starts yelling "Alice?" I say "Come on we have to go find her." I say grabbing Y/n hand to find Alice. Then we hear Alice scream in pain and we run towards her "Alice!" I say "Jesus!" I saw "Holy shit." Y/n says "I was there, in the past." Alice says "You're ok>" I tell grabbing her shoulders 'I saw the.. the killers. They killed so many and your both next" Alice says pointing to me and Y/n "You guys are fucking next!" Alice says "No, no, no, no. That's not true.  We're right here. Right Y/n?" I say to her "Yeah we are right here,ok?" she tells Alice "The witch did this." Alice says "She did all of this. She put a curse on Shadyside. Mary was right." she continues "I know. The cave was alive, Alice. Tylenol can't do that." I say then she giggles then screams in pain, I grab my bag and dump everything that in there "What are you doing?" Y/n asks me, I just ignored her then she scoffs "You were right by the way. I am a snitch. The day after we stole Mr. Evan's JVC player, Harold HInes saw me with it." I tell Alice "Fucking HArold Hines." she says then I put her bone back in place then she screams in pain and Y/n looks like she's gonna throw up. "Next thing I know, i'm in the Principal's office, and my dad can't come in, because he just ran off with some girl not much older than I am now. And my mom, well, she was having a few drinks at O'Connell's. And I knew then... I wasn't different from the other Shadysiders. I was cursed. I told myself if I was perfect, if I did everything right, I could beat it. I snitched on you, I got new friends, I.. started dressing like this." I say then ripped my shirt and put it on Alice ankle "I dated sweet Tommy. I avoided you,  but I couldn't avoid Ziggy." I say crying 'Because she was always there, reminding me of the truth. That this town, this place...was cursed" I say "And so were we." I say 'Now I know. She was right... all this time." I say then pull on the shirt and Alice screams "I've been a bad sister. I've been a bad friend. I should've just.. skipped class, partied, had sex, had fun." I say " I hate to break it to you, but the's not any more real than that polo shirt." she says  "There's a reason I wear these." she says taking off her bracelets Y/n looked up from the ground to see "And it's not just because they're awesome." she says then shows us her wrist. I guess Y/n did the same thing or knew someone  that did that and lost them because when she saw Alice wrist she looked away "We all have our ways to deal with Shadyside." she says.   

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