Chapter 3:The Twins

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A tranquil afternoon during...

"YAAAAAHHHHH" disregard that...

At this moment, Yena and Yujin are in pursuit of Justin and Sebastian, who are playfully racing around without clothes, teasing, "Try to catch us~~~," as Justin and Sebastian share laughter. Yena and Yujin nearly lost their footing when Justin suddenly executed a swift turn.

"Are they really this full of energy?" Yujin inquired of Yena.

"I have no idea! I mean, I was a baby when I was a baby!" replied Yena with a hint of humor, which prompted Yujin to retort, "That doesn't even make sense!"

With a feisty comeback, Yena shot back, "Well, your face doesn't make sense either!" And now, they are locked in a tense stare-down.

Justin and Sebastian stifled their laughter and concealed themselves in the closet. "Dad won't find us here, hehehe," Sebastian whispered to Justin.

Suddenly, Yena's voice rang out, "Sebastian! Justin! Where are you guys?" Yujin, becoming anxious, exclaimed, "Oh no, we've lost track of our little ones!"

Panic set in as Yena declared, "No, no, no! I can't lose a child! Losing a child is like losing a part of myself! Ahhh!" She swatted Yujin after the dramatic statement.

Yena heard faint giggles emanating from the closet, and she couldn't help but smirk. "I wonder where Sebastian and Justin might be," she mused before flinging open the closet and triumphantly announcing, "Found you!"

Sebastian and Justin erupted into laughter. "Dad!" Sebastian chuckled, leaping onto the duck girl.

Yena protested, "Hey, cut it out! Time for a bath, you two." She hoisted both Justin and Sebastian and made her way to the bathroom, with Yujin trailing closely behind.

Do you believe the twins would be willing to collaborate?

"Justin, cease with the splashing!"

"Why should I?!"

"Children, please, no more..."


Actually, you're mistaken...

After some struggles, they finally completed bathing the two kids. Yena dressed Sebastian in a duck onesie, while Yujin chose a dog onesie for Justin.

"Wahhh, I think I've figured out what to get Minju unnie for Christmas," Yujin chuckled.

"A dog onesie?" Yena raised an eyebrow.

"Who said I'd give her a onesie? I'm gifting her Justin! Geez, taking care of a baby is tough! Gosh!" Yujin collapsed onto the floor.

Justin, observing Yujin, mimicked her and exclaimed, "Fwock!" Sebastian also copied Justin's antics and shouted, "Fwock!"

Yena and Yujin's eyes widened in alarm. "Oh dear..." they whispered in unison. The twins continued to chant the word 'Fwock,' dashing around the house. Naturally, Yena and Yujin raced after them, urgently instructing them to cease using that word, or else Eunbi might unleash her terrifying Siren head persona and subject them to ear-piercing agony.

As soon as Yena and Yujin heard the front door swing open, they swiftly pounced on the little ones, firmly placing their hands over their mouths.

"Hey, we're back!"

"Hey! Why on earth did you buy a tent?"

"Well, Carlisle really wanted one, so I got it for him!"

"Sakura, are you sure you can handle bringing those in by yourself?"

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