Legacy defenders part two

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The mystic force rangers bumped into the ninja storm rangers "Sup?" Asked Nick "More rangers?" Asked Cameron "Yeah there's like 100 of us or something" said Madison "So your after the massive engery readings monster to?" Asked Blake "Ya bet" said Xander as Samuri and Megaforce rangers ran up to them "you finally stopped finally we can catch up!" Said Troy "hahah lol get on" said Tori (accidently wrote as Trini)

They drove until they found the wild force rangers who just appeared "uhhh we need more bikes" said Xander Nick whistled as 18 bikes appeared "wait we can all have our own bike then ok let's go" said Mike.

They all go on there own bikes as they drive towards the battle field.

"Rangers you've finally showed" said The purple ranger as they all stood on the cliff. "ITS MORPHIN TIME!" Troy shouted.

"Thunder power ranger form!"
"Storm power ranger form!"
"Samuri power ranger form!"
"Mystic source ranger force!"
"Go Go Samuri!"
"Go Go Megaforce!"

All the rangers shouted as they morphed and jumped down to fight the two monsters.

DDD knocked Taylor down along with her entire team who got up "Let's make this a struggle!" Said Ddd "besides we've gotten our back up arriving" said Eve. As 100s of Xborgs fell into the battle field.

"Of course of course they call in minions!" Shouted Udanna as the rangers thought the monsters that just kept coming.


"Vrok where is the prisoner!?" Asked A monster "behind you!" Said Steve hitting him with a guitar "to the escape shuttle!" Said Vrok as he and Steve hurried inside it and launched. "Traitor!!" A monster hissed.


The rangers where struggling and where all on the ground as they where about to be finished they where blasted "sorry we're late!" Said Conner as he Kira and Ethan Drove off a ledge and jumped off along with them jumping off so did Tommy and Trent landing in front of the rangers. "Dino thunder power up!" They shouted as they morphed into power Rangers Dino thunder.

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