Legacy defenders part one

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"Dayu are you sure you can hold this much power?" Asked Vrok "give me all of it and I will destroy the power rangers with the help of the purple ranger!" Said Dayu "so it's agreed apon then" said Vrok handing her a cup "drink up Dayu your time to destory the rangers is now!" Said Vrok.

Nick sighed pulling out his bike "been awhile since we visited wonder what's changed" said Nick as he and his family pulled up to the station. "It has indeed" said Xander chuckling "greeting new comers as always" nodded Nick "yeah the town elected me for the job" said Xander as Vida came over "his not lying we did" said Vida. "Well I wish we came back on a good note but there's been a sign of strong dark magic in the neighbouring city" said Alaze? (I think that's her name) "alright I'll go get the others" said Vida "How are we gonna get there to?" Asked Xander "we gave up our ranger bikes" said Xander as Nick Whistled and advanced high tech bikes appeared "tell the others were going off ahead" said Dark knight.


"Rangers!" Boomed Allisa (the world force mentor girl I don't know there names maybe I should try google nah this is more fun) "What's up?" Asked Taylor as she and the others rushed over "there has been an org siting you must find out what this disturbance is" said Allisa "Right" said Chole "take the Zords it's over 9000km away" said Allisa "we can teleport" Taylor yelled back "oh right" said Allisa.


"Hey guys" said Cameron "yeah what's up?" Asked Shane "a siting of energy singles mixed with all of our old enemy's" said Cameron "That's impossible isn't it?" Asked Dustin "That's what I thought" said Cameron "Which means we should check it out!" Said Trini walking over to them "indeed" said Blake "I mean I just fixed our bikes so when your ready let's roll out" said Hunter "Alright first Trini go get our morphers" said Cameron before adding "Just because your the fastest" said Cameron "Right!" Said Trini as dust sprayed in there faces and she was back with the box of 6 morphers. "Now then let's roll out!" Said Hunter as they all got on there bikes.


"Samuri rangers you have been brought back because a great threat has risen this is a nilock but Not like any you've ever seen before" said Mentor J "Now I know you have stayed ready for your return rangers you must return" said Mentor J. "Right" said Antino "Let's do this" said Kevin "We shall work together and get threw this" said Jadyen "Indeed" said Libra (yes that's right there part of the team in this fan fic!) "let's kick some nilock!" Said Mia "We will defeat this enemy the first chance we get and there crush them in the pit of scared sand" said Emily as everyone looked at her "Well this got dark" said Libra.


"Rangers a great threat has arrived in our city" said Gosei "What is it Gosei?" Asked Troy "it is A monster so strong working with the purple ranger" said Gosei "They just took a cup themselves oh no oh no!" Said Tenselces.
"We'll take care of these falls" said Jake "Let's take'em out" said Gia "Let's show'em hell" said Emma "we shall protect the earth" said ROBO knight. "That we shall" said Troy.


"I feel something coming" said Tommy "Ok" said Trent "What do you feel?" Asked Ethan "A great threat" said Tommy "ok let's check it out" said Kira "we should indeed check it out" said Conner "Dino bikes!" Said Conner Kira and Ethan as they hoped on there dino bikes Tommy got on Conners and Trent got on Ethans. "Let's go!" Said Conner as they drove off.


"When will the rangers show?" Asked Dayu "I  not Dayu not anymore" said ??? "What shall I call you?" Asked Eve "call me DARKEST DARKNESS OR DARKET" D D D (yes shortened for your convince totally not mine)


The Samuri rangers and mega force rangers met up "Gosei said something about more then just this many rangers in the battle" said Noah "We'll then we find the others then the monsters" said Jadyen.

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