i'm staying.

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Vincenzo holds his phone in his bloodied hands, thumb hovering over Cha-young's number.

"Don't call me when you're done. Leave immediately."

Her voice resonates in his head. He knew why she had said that. He knew it was already painful for her that he had to leave. She didn't want to feel more pain just by hearing his voice. He did that. He caused her pain. Oh, how he wishes that he could press his lips to her forehead once. Just once. He loves her, so much that he decides not to call her. It was her last wish, after all. She deserved no pain.

"Do you deserve to love, byeonhosa-nim?"

When she had asked that question, he felt disgusting. Of course he didn't. He'd killed so many different people. He'd lied to her when she had asked. Love? That four-letter word had never once crossed his mind, until that conversation he had that day with her, in that dingy old office.

He shakes his head. No. He didn't deserve her. As he goes to power off the mobile, he receives a text from Mr Ahn. Heart pumping, he clicks on the notification. What if something had gone wrong? What if he was caught? His eyes skim over the message.

Mr Cassano, you don't have to leave. Mr Cho and I have cleared your name. We've been working since morning and I appointed 3 trustworthy agents to help us. Thank you for the Guillotine file, Cassano-nim. You're free now.

He lets out a long breath. Free. Free. He never thought that he would hear that word. He sends a quick thank you to Mr Ahn, making a mental note to get him and his team something. Tears in his eyes, he runs out of the warehouse and to his car. He knows exactly where to go.


Cha-young lays on the hospital bed, eyes closed but mind and heart racing. He should be done by now. And oh, oh how much she wanted to hear his voice again. But she couldn't bear the pain. The love, yes, the love of her life was leaving and God knows when he would be able to return. She needed him. He was always there for her, to protect her, to care for her, to help her grow stronger. She opens her eyes.

"Villians don't deserve to love."

Bullshit. Then what was between them then? What was the respect they had for each other? Cha-young wasn't daft; she knew what was going on between them.

She turns her head and looks at her phone. She could call him. She could call him and tell him how much she loved him. Yet she knows she can't. It's for your own safety, jagiya, she thinks. If only he knew what she'd been calling him inside her head.

Sighing, she closes her eyes again. Then opens them. Wait. What the hell was she doing? How could she just tell the man she loves to not call her? She definitely can't call him now; his phone is probably powered off. She sits up so quickly that Mr Nam, who's sitting beside her, jumps.

"Yah, byeonhosa-nim. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" the man asks, staring at her.

"Mr Nam, we need to see Mr Cassano off. Please, we need to find him. Can you ask Mr Ahn where they're meeting?"

"Ms Hong..."


The paralegal sighs.

"Will do."


Cha-young groans as she exits the bathroom. Her shoulder blade was still painful, but she really needed to see him. However, she's confused when she sees Mr Nam still sitting there, excitement etched across his face.

"Mr Nam, what's going on?"

The paralegal tries to hide his smile. "Er... uh... I don't think you should go, yes? What if something happens?"

Cha-young couldn't believe her ears. "Mr Nam! Vincenzo is leaving! I need to see him!" She protested.


The door crashes open.


Their eyes meet. Neither of them notice Mr Nam sneaking out of the room with a knowing smirk on his face.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cha-young speaks.

"Byeonhosa-nim, why- why are you here?"

Vincenzo smiles. He smiles the smile always specially reserved for her and her alone. Before Cha-young could say anything else, he steps forward and gathers Cha-young in his arms. He pulls her flush against him, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, being careful of her injury.

"I don't have to leave," he murmurs against her hair. "Mr Ahn and Mr Cho cleared my name with the Guillotine file. I'm free now. I'm staying."

They stand there in silence for awhile before Cha-young lets out a sob. Shocked, Vincenzo pulls away and cups her face. "Ms Hong, what's wrong?" He scans her face with worry as tears stream down her face. She lets out a watery laugh. "You- you can stay. Oh my goodness, you can stay." She reaches out and pulls Vincenzo back to her, crying happily. Vincenzo caresses her hair fondly.

He takes a deep breath and whispers in her ear, "I love you, Cha-young-ah."

Cha-young's eyes widen as she steps back, searching his face.


"Did I say something wrong?" Vincenzo's heart races. Was it too soon? Cazzo. He'd definitely spoken too soon.

"No, I wanted to say it first."

Vincenzo rolled his eyes. "You're very annoying," he mumbles, before pressing his lips to hers. Their lips fit together like the final puzzle piece fitting perfectly, completing the picture. Cha-young all but melts into him, using her uninjured arm to cup his face.

It didn't matter what would happen tomorrow, the next week, the next month, the next year; all that mattered was that he was staying.


hi<3 if u didn't watch Vincenzo then you probably wouldn't understand the context(same goes for the rest of the chapters), so i advise u to watch :D (yes i'm promoting this masterpiece of a kdrama) hope u enjoyed<3

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