dove sei stato? (pt. 2)

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Cha-young stares in shock at the man in front of her. Vincenzo Cassano, the man she loved, loves, is right before her eyes. What the actual hell. Did the Italian fool really think he could just kiss her, leave, not send a single postcard after that, then stroll back into her life, her house, and call her "tesoro mio"? Fuck no.

Before she can say anything, police sirens reach their ears. Vincenzo turns and walks towards the door, dragging the unconscious burglar with him. Just as he hands the man to the police, the second burglar comes down the stairs, eyes darting around warily. Cha-young lets out an alarmed shout as he tries to escape through the back door.

"We'll get him," the police assures them before driving away. Vincenzo watches the police car disappear before shutting the door behind him and turning towards Cha-young.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Cha-young snaps, smirking in satisfaction as his shit-eating grin is wiped off his infuriatingly handsome face. Fully sober now, the female lawyer is ready to talk.

"W-What?" The Italian is thoroughly confused now as he sits down in one of the armchairs.

Cha-young scoffs. "Make yourself comfortable, hm?"

She sits across him and fixes her gaze on him, frowning deeply. Her heart, it hurt like hell. It's filled with longing, pain, anger and love. How dare he return like this, and act as if everything was fine. "I'm still waiting for you to answer my question." She says dryly.

Vincenzo blinks. For once, the mafia boss is at a loss for words.

"Oh. Uh, remember when I gave Mr Ahn and Mr Cho the Guillotine file?" When Cha-young doesn't answer, he gulps and continues speaking.

"I told them to use it like a villian, and I didn't expect them to take it so seriously... Apparently they used it to magically make the CCTV footage of me disappear. And they took the APB off me. I... I'm a free man now." He finishes and clasps his hands together nervously, wondering why in the world the love of his life wasn't happy to see him. Needless to say, this definitely wasn't the reaction he expected.

Cha-young sits in silence; it seemed like she was processing whatever he just said.

After what seemed like 20 minutes, he tentatively begins, "Cha-young-ah-"




Cha-young stands up violently. "No. No way. How dare you just waltz back into my life again. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Vincenzo stands up too. "No, what's wrong with you? What did I ever do? I said I'd be back. So what's your problem?"

Cha-young scoffs and stares at him incredulously. "What's my problem? My problem? You were the one who left, came back, kissed me, then disappeared without a trace again! No more postcards. Not a single one. Mr Nam had to watch me as I pathetically waited for your postcards. You made me a fool, Vincenzo Cassano. I loved you. I still love you. But you don't. Not enough, at least." She's panting by now, exhausted. She's tired of his stupid antics and she's tired of being pathetic.


"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT!" Cha-young starts to scream. "FUCK OFF, VINCENZO CASSANO. I DON'T NEED YOU. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She lets tears stream down her face as she watches him stand there, tears visibly brimming at his eyes.

Silently, he grabs his coat and leaves, slamming the door behind him.


It is only when Cha-young is about to fall asleep later that night that she remembers how many stitches he had across his face. How many red marks he had around his wrists, his neck. Oh. Oh. It dawns on her then. He didn't send postcards because he was in danger. Because the Cassano Family was going through one of those times. He didn't want her in danger. He was injured, of course he couldn't fucking send her postcards. Oh my God, she was so fucking selfish.

She gets out of bed and without bothering to change, she pulls a coat over herself and leaves her house. What the hell had she done? All he did was love her and when he was finally able to return, she blames everything on him and chases him away. She didn't deserve him, yet she hails a taxi and directs it to the only place she knew he would be.


Cha-young gently knocks on the door of apartment 606. No answer. Sighing, she opens the door quietly and slips inside. Closing the door behind he, she notices a pair of shoes at the mat, confirming his presence in the apartment. She pushes aside the curtains and her heart breaks as she spots the man she loves sat at the same table where they had many makgeolli sessions, his knees brought up to his chest and his head buried down, sobs racking his body.

She had hurt him like this. To be able to bring a man like him to tears like this meant that she had screwed up very badly. Trying to keep her own tears from running down her face, she carefully padded towards him, dropped down on her knees and wrapped her arms around his shaking body. She begins to cry as he melts into her. Even after she had hurt him, he still found comfort in her. Stroking his hair, she whispers "I'm sorry" into his ears repeatedly, her own tears soaking the sweatshirt he had on.

When he'd finally stopped crying, he sniffs and wipes his tears away, clearly embarrassed. Cha-young, ever the straightforward person, cups his face in her hands and looks at him guiltily.

"Byeonhosa-nim, I'm so, so terribly sorry." Her voice shook. "I don't deserve you. I'm selfish and I didn't even bother to understand what happened. You probably cannot forgive me right now, and I understand. I just wanted to say, I love you so much, Vincenzo Cassano. I'm so sorry." She gets up shakily and turns to leave, but his warm hand wraps around her wrist and pulls her back gently.

"Tesoro," he murmurs as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer. "I understand. I understand why you were angry. You had your reasons, and I don't blame you. I'm sorry for leaving you alone for 2 whole years. It broke my heart, you know it did. And it doesn't matter right now, because what does is that I'm back here, with you. You, you are my home."

Cha-young sobs again.


Later, when they're cuddled up warmly in each other's arms, absent-mindedly watching one of the Italian's favourite operas, Vincenzo looks down at Cha-young. Cha-young senses his gaze and looks up at him, smiling at his softened eyes and worry-free face. "What is it?"

"Do you know what date it is today?" He asks, rubbing her arm.

She shivers and huddles up closer to him.

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" She laughs. Vincenzo smiles at the sound.

"The 7th of July."

Cha-young gasps and turns her body to him fully. "You remembered!"

"And you didn't," he teases, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Whatever." Cha-young rolls her eyes.

Without warning, she holds Vincenzo's face in her hands and presses her lips gently to his. Vincenzo responds quickly, holding her wrist and pulling her in by her waist. The kiss is gentle, not rough; it's full of love and healing and it chases all their pain away as their lips move together in sync.

"I love you, Cha-young-ah."

"I love you more."


vincenzo's italian is hot. uh go search the meanings up yourself please i don't put them in because the people in ao3 understand it. speaking of ao3, should i tell u guys mine?

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