But their girls?!

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After waiting for a few minutes they hear the door behind them creek open, they all shift in the sets so they were facing the door...

if you go back to when I show the picture of them - which the pictures weren't mine btw - the outfits they were wearing in the first pictures are the ones they are wresting in this chapter.

Also the queen said they were battling "them" the boys didn't know who them was because they didn't think that girls can fight - except for Naofumi

As they turn to face the door, a guard walks in and bows just slightly down at the four hero's, who are now wondering why this guard is here.
Maybe he will tell them who they are battling, Naofumi had tried to tell the others that it was the girls from before but they wouldn't believe him.

"Please follow me" the guard has said, leaving the room right after he had finished his sentence. The heroes obliged and followed promptly after the guard, making sure to keep up with his speed.

"I have never seen this side of the castle before, where do you think they are taking us?" Ren spoke breaking the silence that incased the group until now.

"Please stay silent and move swiftly, we have no time to waste." Said the guard, stopping Itsuki just as he was about to reply to Ren

"Well then tell us where we are going!" Motoyasu demanded, becoming inpatient and wanting to know what was happening already.

"We are here" the guard said as he stepped aside, stopping just before his back hit the wall.

Before them was a door, the top reaching all the way until the ceiling. Along the walls closer to the door, was weapons lined up nicely.
There was a shield that stood out to Naofumi, it was covered in a slimy substance. It looked similar to a chocolate covered strawberry but instead of chocolate it was slime, and instead of a strawberry it was a shield. So it wasn't so similar after all.

Naofumi reached for the shield, wondering if he was about to us it in this battle as it was so strange yet seemed like it would work anyways.

"Please don't take any of the weapons, the queen wants you to only use your own" spoke a guard coming up behind them stopping about 1 meter away from the heroes. Naofumi pulled his hand back, turning to face the guard  with his fellow Heroes, as they inspected the man who had just arrived.

"What are we doing here? who are we battling? tell us!!" Motoyasu yelled, he was really starting to get on Naofumi's nerve with his yelling and all.

"You will find out once you leave this room, the queen has asked me to stop you from doing anything  idiotic before that time." The man spoke, standing still with a face as straight as a line.

just as Itsuki was about to speak - asking more and more questions which will get them nowhere - he was interrupted by the doors, that had been looming over them this whole time opening,  scraping across the floor.

"it seems like they are opening now" the man said stepping back, into darkness where the heroes could no longer see him, the heroes turn looking away from the man who had gone as quick as he came.

the heroes bring their hands to their eyes to cover them from the blinding lights that shined down on them. As they stepped out of the hallway they had been waiting in for what seemed like hours.

"ah I remember this place, its where you and Motoyasu battle over that slave girl of yours Naofumi." said Itsuki actually having the chance to speak since no one was going to interrupt him.

"where is Raphtalia, princess Malty and Filo anyway?" motoyasu said staring at Naofumi as if he had done something wrong. Naofumi huffed, annoyed so much by Motoyasu

"MASTER NAOFUMI!!" yelled a voice, standing their was Raphtalia, Filo and Malty watching over the giant arena.

"you should really focus on us, not them or if you don't wanna lose.." came a voice, the heroes looked back at the arena and saw smoke coming from the doors on the other side of the arena. emerging from the smoke was the four girls from before, they were holding the same weapons as the heroes. Sword, bow, spear and shield...

"I told you!!" Naofumi said to the other heroes, smirking proud with his hands on his hips, glad that his point had finally been proven.

"b-but their girls!! how are we meant to fight them?!" motoyasu yelled looking up at where the queen was, standing there, watching, with grace. (like a true queennnnnn!!)

"ugh why arent they paying attetion to uss" came one of the voice of the girls, who names had already passed the heroes minds.

"calm down, Sakiya. We havent even started and your already this riled up" another voice from the girls came,as she rolled her eyes, the boys notices her hair and how it seemed to make the light bounce off it like a bubble.

"alright, it looks like we have your attention now, so lets begin.. HEY QUEENY WE CANT KILL THEM, CAN WE?!" yelled another voice, as she finished her sentence she had REALLY seemed to have the boys attention as now they all had the most surprised look on their faces.

"Amaya!! cut it out! the q-queen said that we cant kill them and why would we want to, they have to stop the waves since we arent allowed to anymore!" said the last voice among the girls.

"ah, i remember their names now" spoke Itsuki, all the other heroes looked over at him,

"well say them then!" yelled Motoyasu, getting angrier and angrier by the second as he glared down Itsuki.

"fine fine, gosh you dont have to look at me like that" replied Itsuki, who then started to re-say the girls names for the other heroes whos minds were still failing to remember. After Itsuki stated the girls names they all looked back at the girls.

"So are we gonna start this fight or not?" Spoke Fumiko, beginning to become annoyed

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I'm sooooo sorry for not updating I have been super busy and probably will still be but I will try my best, tbh I am losing my motivation for this but I'm trying to just push through!

Word count: 10898

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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