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Naofumi's P.O.V

as we stood a few meters away from these girls one thing caught my eye, each girl seemed to be similar to us in a way but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Deciding to leave that thought behind I pay my attention back on the queen.

3rd P.O.V

As soon as the heroes were in line the queen made all the guards leave the room, once they had the blue hair girl spoke-up
"So, these are the new heroes huh?" This comment made the Motoyasu confused as he thought everyone had heard of his 'greatness'
"Please heroes introduce yourselves" the queen ordered but in a polite way. First was ren.
"Hello I am Ren Amaki, the sword hero. Pleasure to meet you." Then it was Itsuki.
"Good afternoon I'm Itsuki Kawasumi, the bow hero. Nice to meet you" then it was Motoyasu.
"Hello beautiful ladies, the name is Motoyasu Kitamura and I am the handsome spear hero! It's grand that I get to meet you all this fine day." He then gave a wink and bow to the ladies. Ever so faintly they heard a
"He sounds a lot like you Sakiya."
Now it was Naofumi's turn,
"Names Naofumi Iwatani, I'm the shield hero"
"Great now that everyone knows each other, they will battle you." The queen announced
"But your highness, we don't know their names." The one closest to the heroes then spoke. "Ah, right! Hello! my name is Sakiya koizumi, great to meet you." The one next to her then spoke,
"H-hi, my name is H-hanako isa" all the heroes thought it was adorable that she stunnered. The one with the blue hair went next
"Hi. My name is Amaya teruya. Nice to meet you all" then the last girl went
"Hello. My name is Fumiko hayakawa and it's a pleasure to meet you all"
No one said anything but the queen, she commanded the heroes to get ready for their duel but she didn't say with who?

The old but new *the rising for the shield hero* - REWRITING -Where stories live. Discover now