Chapter 2

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They are now inside a classroom.

Students are writing on their notebooks while the teacher in front is teaching,writing on the blackboard.

"Ah! Hyung is over there." Lee gilyoung spotted Kim Dokja.

They followed his gaze and saw the young Kim dokja,writing on his notebook like the other students in the classroom.

He gave his all focus in the classroom.

"Ahjussi is hardworking even in school." Shin Yoosung said,her hand tried to pat Kim dokja's head but to no avail,it went pass his body.

"He's weak." Yoo jonghyuk finally said something after coming here.

"What does master mean?" Li Jihye asked.

Of course Kim Dokja is weak. Right now he is just a young boy who doesnt have powers yet. Unlike them.

Yoo Jonghyuk didnt say anything but he pointed towards Kim Dokja. Or more precise,his neck.

There was a faint imprint of bluish red wounds around the small and pale neck,along with his face.

Not only that,it was summer. Everyone wore a short sleeve shirt,but this Kim Dokja wore a long sleeve shirt no matter the season.

Everyone knows the reason, even the school and knows.

At that moment,the ring bells. Students cleaned their desk right after the teacher gets out of the class.

It is recess time.

Seeing the other students going to the cafeteria to buy foods,Kim Dokja just silently stared at them while he puts his bag on the desk,cushioning his head.

' Its not like I'm not used to this.' Kim dokja thought while closing his eyes. Trying to sleep in hunger.

He wasnt given any money for school?

"When we return to our world,I will make sure Ahjussi gets to eat whatever he wants. I will buy lots of tasty foods for Ahjussi." Li jihye said. Eyes tearing internally.

"No can do. He wont be eating bought food! Have you forgotten that we have our own 5 star cook? " Jung heewon smirk,eyes looking at that man.

Yoo jonghyuk saw that and only nodded.

Of course, own cook food is better.

It wasnt long after that,a group of students walk towards the sleeping Kim dokja.

One of the student,holding a can of drink,brought it on top of Kim Dokja and pour the content of the sweet liquid right on top of his head.

The bag and the books underneath that Kim Dokja used to cushion his face on the table is now drenched.

' They are here again,huh...' Kim dokja woke with a gasped from the cold water and looked towards the group who is laughing at him. Satisfied.

The other classmates who saw that only showed their pity before going outside the class,as if the scene was not important than their recess time with their friends.

"Damn,this is the first time i've ever encountered bullies in school. As expected,they always comes in group. Cowards." Li jihye said,creaking her fingers.

"But whats with Ahjussi? Is he not going to get mad?" Lee gilyoung asked. Eyes on Kim Dokja.

Unlike the expressionless Kim dokja, Yoo Jonghyuk and the others already had veins exploding. Ready to attack if they can.

"Hahaha,hey,are you not going to wash those off? Or do you plan on getting sticky all day today?" Someone from the group snickered.

"He probably wanted to tell his famil that he got drenched from a coca cola today." Another one laughed.

"Yeah right,what family? I bet even his aunt pours tea on him on normal days."

"And what can his mother do? Break through the jail? Haha."

Kim dokja heard and cant help but bit his lip in anger, he didnt say anything.

'why is it always like this? Why can't they leave me alone?'

"Do you think these kids survived in the apocalypse?" Han soo young asked.

"I wonder." Yoo sangah replied.

"Even if they did,i'll make sure they regret not dying early." Li jihye said.

Yoo jonghyuk only nodded.

These kids name will be in Kim Dokja's company's blacklist from now on.

The bell rings again and students went back to their classroom.

Kim dokja had washed and wiped himself in the toilet just now.

He still have that look on his face. As if all that happen just now didnt matter. As if it was deserving for him.

Yoo jonghyuk saw that and cant help but comparing this young Kim dokja with the adult Kim dokja,the one who fought together with them.

They dont resemble each other at all. But theres a resemblance on how the their face looks lonely sometimes.

The time passed and the last bell rings indicating the school is over.

Kim dokja cleared his desk and after stuffing everything in his bag,he stood up.

'i dont want to go back yet... '

'im sure the reporters are waiting by the gate right now.'

'they always do that. They always look for the murderer's son.'

'im sure aunt will get mad if i bring these reporters home. I should stay by the park for a bit.'

Kim dokja thought. He starts walking out of the classroom.

He used the back gate since the reporters usually stays by the front gate.

Kim dokja went pass the gate,didnt realize there was a man standing by the gate.

The man saw Kim dokja and grabbes his wrist.

"You,you're,Lee sookyung's child,arent you ?" The man asked.

'huh? They're waiting here too?'

Kim dokja shakes of the man's hand.

"Ah wait! I just want to ask some questions!" The man quickly tries to grab Kim dokja again.

The moment his hand almost reach Kim Dokja's back,a sudden gush of wind swept his hand away and the man fell on his butt.


"Ouch...Huh? What was with that wind just now??" The man was stupefied.

He could only see the young boy's back,running away and eventually disappear from his sight.

Poor Boy Kim DokjaWhere stories live. Discover now