chapter 5

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Few days had passed.

Kim Dokja's everyday's life consist of being bullied in his school or getting chased by reporters everytime he goes to school or goes back home.

Meanwhile at home,Kim Dokja's uncle tends to ignore him as if he didnt exist. He kept coming home late or didnt even come home on somedays. And the pressure in the house makes his aunt to be more abusive,beating him at any chance she could.

Kim Dokja's eyes lost its light,and gets more hollow each days passed by.

Lee Sookyung noticed the change in her son everytime he came by to visit her.

But she cant even comfort him.Because of the guilt. She knows,she was the start of his misery. And even if she comforts him,it wouldnt change anything. He would still despise her no matter what she said.
She cant even bear to ask what he had gone through all these days that she wasnt by his side.

It was always Kim Dokja who tells his story to her.

Soon after,Kim Dokja starts to lose his hope.


The scenery changed again for who knows how many times it had changed. They find themselves on the third floor of Kim Dokja's school.


" way! Is it today!?" Han Sooyoung panickes. She looked around for Kim Dokja.

She ran along the hallway. After confirming this was the third floor,she freezed.

"Whats wrong? What happens today?" Jung Heewon grabber Han sooyoung's shoulder.

The others also didnt understand what was it that makes Han Sooyoung to react like this.

Han sooyoung looks at Jung Heewon and the others who was in confusion.

She dont know if its okay to tell them.

But she have no choice. They will know soon enough.

"I dont know much...but...i heard from the dokkaebi king that Kim dokja tried to commit suicide when he was 15..."

"Hyung did?" Lee Gilyoung cant believe it. But seeing what Kim Dokja had gone through,he isnt sure anymore.

"Then,is it today? How did you-"

"He jumped off from the third floor of the school building." Han Sooyoung bit her lips.

Yoo jonghyuk and the others went pale at her reply.

"No way..." Jung heewon couldnt believe it.

Kim dokja is not someone that would-"

Wait,maybe he did think lightly of his life.

"But we still dont know if its today or not. Ahjussi probably just walk pass here?" Shin yoosung hoped.

"Yes,that may be true. Lets look for him." Yoo sangah also started to look for Kim Dokja.

They all followed suit.

It wasnt long after,on the same floor,they saw a flock of students crowding in the hallways.

At that time,Yoo Jonghyuk and the others heard a familiar voice of someone's sad thoughts.

'mother doesnt love me anymore.'

They immediately ran passed the crowding students. Fortunately,they could pass through them easily.

"Dokja-ssi..." Yoo sangah covered her mouth,holding her sobs.

Hearing his thoughts,Yoo sangah cant help but wanted to tell Kim Dokja about his mother. She knows how deep Lee Sookyung's love for Kim Dokja is.

Not only her,all of them present here knows Lee sookyung cherished her son and would do anything for him.

'Aunt gets more abusive and uncle cant even bear to see me.'

When they finally could get through the students,what they saw was the young Kim Dokja,standing by the window outside of the building.

Kim dokja looks at his bruised arm.

'the bullies would look for me everyday and beats me up,hitting me on the old unhealed wounds.'

Then he looks down.

'the reporters would hunt me everytime,calling me a murderer's son despite thinking that it would makes me feels uncomfortable.'

'I... cant stand this anymore.'

They quickly rushed towards the window to grab him.

Yoo Jonghyuk was the fastest out of all of them,but when he tried to reach out and grab Kim Dokja's shirt,

Please...make it happen again...

Yoo Jonghyuk hoped that he could grab Kim Dokja again,like he did before.

At that moment,Kim Dokja pushed his body from the window railing and started to fell forward.

Yoo Jonghyuk was fast enough,but what he could grab was only the air as his hand went pass Kim Dokja's body.


They all called for Kim Dokja as it was the only thing that they hoped could reach him.

But Kim Dokja could not hear anything anymore by then.

The body of the young Kim Dokja is now on the ground,bloods all over his body dyed his white shirt red.

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