Jack's P.O.V.
I walked by Falafel Phil's and saw Kim sitting at a table with books scattered on top of it. I quietly sneaked behind her. I put my left hand down on the table and my right hand on the back of the chair. I learned over her shoulder and loudly said "Hey Kim!"
She whipped her head around. "Jack! You scared me."
"How did you not notice me." I said with a worried facial expression "You must be concentrating a lot because I thought I made it obvious I was here."
Kim smiled; she knew I was being sarcastic. "Well I've got to study for a test." She stood up and knocked a couple of books on the ground. I helped her pick them up and put them in her book bag. For a moment we stood there, gazing into each others eyes. I lifted my head in time to see the guys walking out from the dojo.
"Hey guys," Milton said cheerfully. "Are you going to the new amusement park today?"
"No I have a test and need all the study time I can get, sorry." said Kim.
"How about you Jack," Eddie asked.
"Can't and don't want to. My cousin was in town yesterday and took me to the amusement park. He made me ride each ride like ten times." I said.
"Why are you guys going anyways." Kim asked "Milton, I thought you hated amusement parks."
"I do hate amusement parks but I'm trying to face my fears. I mean what if the parks have germs, funny smells, unhealthy foods" Milton's face crinkled with every word "loud noises, porta-potties and" his voice trailed off and he looked sick. "Okay, that's it, I'm no longer going!" he paused for a second. "I need a bathroom!" He hurried off covering his mouth.
"Well I guess we're not going." said Eddie plopping himself in a chair.
"You know you can go without Milton, right?" I said.
"I know," Jerry replied "but Milton was going to pay for all three of us. I mean do you know how expensive amusement parks are? You have to pay for food, parking,"
I zoned out before he finished talking. Why would Jerry be worried about parking fees anyway, he doesn't own or drive a car.
(At School)
"Hey guys check this out." Eddie said holding out a poster.
"Oh the school is holding the annual talent show." said Milton as he took the poster out of Eddie's hands.
"Awesome! I'd better start practicing." said Kim.
"Wait; before you do anything, what are you doing for the talent show." Eddie said suspiciously emphasizing the word, are.
"Just wait, it's a surprise." Kim said as she skipped away.
"If she does anything like she did last year," Jerry paused wincing at the memory "I'm not going to even bother showing up."
"What did she do last year." I asked.
"Let's just say it was a disgrace to dance." finished Milton.
(The next day at school)
The announcement came on "Attention everyone, due to the lack of participants in the talent show, I would like everyone to know that if you take part you will get two free tickets to the dance on Friday. The person who wins will be able to save at most, ten of your friends from humiliation. After that, the people who weren't in the talent show can perform for their ticket." When the principal was finished talking everyone began to panic.
"Well one of us needs to win 'cause I am not humiliating myself." Eddie said stamping his foot on the ground.
"Well Jack, if you do karate, you could probably win us enough tickets so we don't have to humiliate ourselves." Milton said.
"Maybe, but we can't just rely on me to win, what if I don't." I said.
"That's why I am going to be dancing in the talent show." Jerry said.
"Kim is going to be in the talent show too." I said reminding them.
"Do you really think she'll win?" Eddie said.
"I don't know." I said. "We don't know what her act is."
"How about this, if she does well Jack drops out of the talent show. If she doesn't do well, then Jack will do his routine." Milton said and we all agreed.

Another season of Kickin' it
FanfictionKickin' it is back with another exciting season. Read all about Jack, Kim and the rest of the gang as they face on their daily challenges. (Will Jack and Kim finally get together :o KICK!)