Episode 1 Part 4

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Jack P.O.V.


"Jack, Jack, Jack!" Milton yelled in my ear.

I snapped back into reality, "Okay, I heard you." I replied.

"Well why are you spaced out anyway." he asked.

"I don't know." I lied. I walked out of the room, I needed time by myself to think.

I went to the only place that could calm me down, the dojo. I walked in and immediately started practicing. I had to calm down before I go crazy. I tried to get the thoughts out of my head.

Kim is going to the dance with a Black DragonAll this time I've liked Kim but she probably doesn't feel the same way. I should have asked her while I could. Thanks to Jerry I'm going with Kim's rival. Obviously I talked to her and said I didn't want to go with her but I can't change Kim's mind.

I punched the dummy harder. Of all people she could have gone with it has to be a Black Dragon! I stopped punching and took deep breaths. I looked at the dummy and gave it one last kick.

"Watch out." I yelled noticing Kim in the way. It was too late and she got knocked to the ground. I quickly rushed over to her.

Kim P.O.V.

I walked by the dojo and walked in quietly. Jack was there punching dummies. I didn't know why he was so mad. I only decided to go with a Black Dragon because he asked me first, that and I want to make Jack jealous. After all, he is going with my rival, Cathy Davis. I was deep in thought when I heard "Watch out!" Jack had kicked the dummy so hard it came flying towards me. (Like what happened in dojo afternoon) The next thing I knew I was knocked onto the ground.

"Kim! Are you okay?" he said worriedly. "I'm sorry I didn't see you there." Jack said kneeling beside me.

"I'll be fine." I said quietly wincing in pain. My forehead probably had a big bruise on it.

"Here's some ice." he said helping me up, I placed it on my forehead.

"What were you doing." I asked sitting down on the bench.

"Oh, uh, nothing I just uh, needed to get my anger out." he said the last part really fast under his breath. I could barely understand him but I didn't bug him about it. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked changing the subject.

"I'll be fine," I say.

"I'm really sorry. I should have checked to see if anyone was in the room." he said.

"Honestly, I am okay." I tell him. Jack doesn't look convinced.

"You should see a doctor just in case." he said standing up.

"Why are you so over protective all of a sudden." I teased.

"What? Me? Over protective? No!" he said in a high voice. He paused, "What?" he said again. I have to admit it is kind of cute.

"Sure whatever you say." I said laughing. He glared at me.

"Be happy you're currently injured. Come on, I'll walk you home." he finished.

I went to the doctor and it was nothing to worry about. Jack keeps apologizing even though I forgive him and say I'm okay. I kind of like the attention though.

"Hey Kim," Jack said suddenly. I jumped a little.

"You scared me." I said glaring at him.

"That was kind of the point." he said with a big grin on his face. We stood there not noticing that Milton, Jerry and Eddie were watching.

"This is just plain sad." Milton said shaking his head.

"Well what do we do?" Eddie asked.

"We set them up on a date." Jerry blurted.

"No! They deserve privacy and respect." said Milton. He paused for a second. "Okay I can't stand to watch this anymore, it's like the longest movie ever, so here's the plan."

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