Forbidden Love part. 7.

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    "(Y/N)! are you in there?" A familiar voice whisper-shouted. 

It sounded like Zayn... but that's be possible. How'd he get in? 

Soon.. your blood started flowing out of the bathroom... and the person outside must've saw because you heard them twist the door knob repeatedly. 

"(Y/N)! what are you doing?!" He shouted. 

"Zayn...?" You asked; but it came out more of a whisper.

"Yes. it's me! Open the door! "He croaked.

"I'm sorry..." You told him... 

"It's okay! It's fine! please! open the door!" You can tell by his voice that he's already crying... because it was scratchy, and his breath was sharp. 

You reached up to the knob and twisted it. Zayn immediately opened the door and picked you up.

"What are you doing?! Why are you so stupid?!" He cried. 

"Zayn...." You whispered, with tears rolling down your cheek. 

He continued to cry as he caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. You smiled and grabbed his hand. 

"Why...?" He whispered. 

"I couldn't take it...I shouldn't be here." You replied.

He shook his head abruptly and swiftly picked you up. 

"I'm not letting you do this." He said before placing you on the bed. He then grabbed the first aid kit and started patching up the wounds. 

"Zayn... you can't be here, he's gonna kill you." You whispered. 

"I don't care." He replied. 

After he wrapped your arm up. He picked you up again and headed towards the balcony. 

"What are you doing?" You croaked.

"Getting you out of this hell hole." He replied. 

Before you can even protest, your body shut down and you fell into a deep sleep .


"Zayn you can't! You're gonna fall!" You laughed out as he tried to climb the tree to get the kite that was stuck in the branches. 

"Don't worry love! I got it!" He said with an astute smile. 

You smiled back and helped him down. 

"Now.. i have something I need to ask you... come with me!" He chirped.

You guys walked down the park for 20 minutes before he finally led you to a small hut. 

You saw candles, and a table for two. 

"This way m'lady." He said with a thick british accent.

"Well thank you kind - sir." You replied ,imitating him. 

He chuckled and pulled out a chair for you before sitting down on his own. 

"To us." He toasted.

"To us." You repeated. 

After dinner, you guys slow danced to a few songs before he finally spoke up. 

"(Y/N), I really love you; and I can't imagine my life without you... so here's a question I wanna ask... and I want to be the only one to ask." He said before getting down on one knee. 

You smiled and bit your lower lip. 

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes!" You replied. 

He chuckled and slipped the ring in your finger before pressing his lips gently against yours. A couple seconds later... you heard a gun shot... and before you knew it... Zayn collapsed onto the floor with his eyes opened... your eyes widen as you glanced at the figure in front of you. 


"(Y/N)?" Someone whispered. 

You felt your world spinning around as your started to get lightheaded. 

-end of dream-

Suddenly, your eyes shot opened revealing a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

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